Phillip Jensen interviewed for IX Marks

Phillip JensenLast November, Mark Dever interviewed the Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen for IX Marks Ministries. Phillip speaks on dealing with success, his early days at UNSW, how Two Ways to Live came about, and much more.

For a mainly Baptist audience, he gives some historical background on why Sydney Diocese is what it is today.

The interview has just been made available. It runs for 60 minutes and the mp3 file is a 28MB download. It’s available here.

Archbishop Greg Venables in San Joaquin: Video

Greg Venables in San JoaquinArchbishop of the Southern Cone, Gregory Venables, drew applause when he affirmed the Bible as the revealed Word of God at a special gathering in the Diocese of San Joaquin during the week.

Simply and clearly, Archbishop Venables outlined how the Anglican Communion has arrived at where it is now. The 50 minute video (by Anglican TV) is now available from the Diocese of San Joaquin blog. Well worth watching.

A new Marian dogma?

Mary“In February a letter was published from four Roman Catholic Cardinals and apparently over 500 Bishops and 7 million laity requesting a ‘solemn definition’ of the aspects of the Roman teaching on Mary… this is what they are seeking in such a definition: regarding Mary Most Holy as the Spiritual Mother of all humanity, the co-redemptrix with Jesus the Redeemer, Mediatrix of all graces with Jesus the one Mediator, and Advocate with Jesus Christ on behalf of the human race.

In the light of the coming World Youth Day in Sydney, it’s worth reading this article by David Phillips, General Secretary of Church Society, in the current issue of Crossway. (PDF)

Godliness and good learning

The Future of Justification: A Response to NT WrightMike Ovey, now the Principal of Oak Hill College in London, reviews John Piper’s book, “The Future of Justification: A Response to N T Wright” –

“In one sense, Piper’s thesis can be simply stated: the traditional Reformation understanding of justification by faith, whereby God counts me righteous because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone, is correct. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to me in my union with Christ, not imparted nor infused, and is sufficient, such that my justification does not depend on what I work after my conversion, although my life can and should evidence what Christ has done for me. My heart warms as I summarise these simple but profound truths of traditional evangelical belief. …”

– from the Oak Hill website.
(The book is available from Moore Books in Sydney. It’s also available as a free PDF download at

Archbishop Gregory Venables at St John’s Shaughnessy

Archbishop Gregory Venables“People still need to hear about Jesus – and if we don’t tell them, who will?” Archbishop Greg Venables preached at St John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver last Sunday (April 27 2008).

The audio of his sermon has now been posted online. Listen to his challenging and Christ-honouring talk at the St. John’s website.

Direct link to audio: Windows Media. mp3.

TWIST Conference nears

TWISTThe TWIST08 Music Ministry Conference in Sydney will be held on 7–9 June at the King’s School in Parramatta.

Set up to equip and encourage evangelical Christian music ministry, details of the conference are available from the TWIST website. (Early registration discounts end on 10 May.)

More from the Athabasca synod

Bishop John ClarkeThe archbishop of Athabasca has issued a letter confirming his diocese’s commitment to the Canadian church and the Anglican Communion after its synod passed motions supporting churches that have left the Anglican Church of Canada and criticising bishops who have gone to court over property issues.

The letter was released after the leader of the Anglican Church of Canada asked the archbishop to explain his synod’s motions. …

– from the Anglican Journal. See also our earlier report.
(Photo of Bishop John Clarke: Diocese of Athabasca)

Why do they hate it so? The doctrine of Substitution

Al MohlerAt the Together for the Gospel Conference two weeks ago, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler gave a very helpful overview of recent attacks on the Biblical doctrine of the Substitutionary Atonement of Christ.

Are Anglicans untouched by these attacks? Dr. Mohler’s 67 minute address will repay careful listening.

The audio of this talk – and all the other sessions – are freely available from T4G.
(Photo: Together for the Gospel.)

Fort Worth Bishop Iker to Schori: It’s you who are meddling

Bishop Jack Iker, Fort WorthBishop Jack Iker of the Diocese of Forth Worth has responded to TEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s letter to Archbishop Greg Venables.

Bishop Iker points out that Archbishop Venables is in his diocese by his invitation.

And he has more to say –

April 30, 2008

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
815 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Dear Katharine,

I am shocked and saddened by the rude letter you released yesterday to Archbishop Greg Venables, concerning his visit this weekend to the Diocese of Fort Worth. Far from being “an unwarranted interference,” he is coming at my request as an honored visitor and guest speaker.

You should know that under the canons this does not require either your approval or your support. You have no say in this matter. A diocesan bishop is free to invite other bishops to visit and speak in his diocese.

There are no efforts at reconciliation proceeding within this Province, which is one reason why faithful people continue to leave TEC in droves. Your attitude and actions simply reinforce alienation and bring further discord.

Once again, you are the one meddling in the internal affairs of this diocese, and I ask you to stop your unwelcome intrusions.

Faithfully in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Jack Leo Iker
Bishop of Fort Worth

cc: The Archbishop of Canterbury

See the PDF file. (Photo: Diocese of Fort Worth.)

Peter Jensen discusses same-sex law changes

Archbishop Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen was interviewed yesterday by Eleanor Hall on ABC Radio’s The World Today – on his reaction to changes to federal laws impacting same-sex relationships.

The audio (RealAudio, Windows Media and mp3)and transcript of the segment are now available on the ABC website. also has some coverage.

Archbishop Jensen welcomes Federal Government’s no on ‘gay marriage’

Archbishop Peter JensenThe Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, has welcomed the Federal Government’s clear statement on same-sex relationships – which promises there will be no ‘homosexual marriage’ – and the accompanying changes to 100 federal laws regarding superannuation and other benefits.

“We welcome the Government’s clear and firm determination to make sure that whatever happens this is not about marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman and it is excellent that the Government has made that clear.”

Dr Jensen says “Personally I remain concerned about the impact of the gay lifestyle on our community and I don’t believe any of us should be forced to accept it. But I also think there may be injustices which need attention.”

The Archbishop says it’s not yet clear how far the changes will extend, but says the superannuation and benefits arrangements should be granted to other types of relationships, which are non-sexual, so that the changes are “not just pro-gay but pro-people.”

“Marriage is not a matter of government fiat. We can’t simply say, because some people want it, that marriage is different now. Marriage is between a man and a woman and I’m pleased the Government seems determined to recognise that basic fact.”

– by Russell Powell at

The word of God in Hebrews 9-10

Ryan FergusonBack in August 2006 at the WorshipGod06 Conference (hosted by Sovereign Grace Ministries), Ryan Ferguson gave a memorised dramatic recitation of Hebrews 9 and 10 using the ESV.

This powerful 11 minute recitation (via Google Video) is a great blessing to all who want to understand Hebrews better.

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