Bishop Howe: Briefing for TEC Bishops

Bishop John Howe of Central FloridaThe House of Bishops will receive an informal presentation on the “Anglican Bishops in Communion” proposal that was shared with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori during a 50-minute meeting on Feb. 21 at the Episcopal Church Center. The House of Bishops meets March 7-13 at Camp Allen in the Diocese of Texas.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori expressed no objections to the plan during the meeting… The Bishops in Communion plan is a modified version of the “Episcopal Visitor” concept announced by Bishop Jefferts Schori during the fall House of Bishops’ meeting in New Orleans. …

Read about the new proposal, which seems unlikely to be warmly received by many orthodox parishes, in The Living Church. (See also this earlier report.)

(Photo: Bishop John Howe of the Diocese of Central Florida.)

New Colin Buchanan Kids CD

Super SaviourAustralian Christian singer Colin Buchanan has announced a new kids Christian album – “Super Saviour” – to be available in March.

Details and an mp3 preview are available on his website.

Relations with Rome

CrosswayDavid Phillips, General Secretary of Church Society, has written a 3 page critique of ARCIC and IARCCUM.

“When was the last time you praised and blessed Mary as the handmaid of the Lord? According to the ARCIC report on Mary it is something Scripture leads us to do. …”

Published in Crossway earlier this year, it is now available on the Church Society website. (120kb PDF file.)

‘It’s a tragedy for the Church’ – Archbishop Venables

Archbishop Gregory VenablesArchbishop of the Southern Cone, Gregory Venables was interviewed on CBC Radio in Canada earlier this week.

It’s very very sad that it should come to this, it’s a tragedy for the church, for the church in Canada and for the church throughout the world – but it shows how serious the division is.

We are grateful for this transcript of the interview (the audio is available here in RealAudio format). Questions are from CBC’s The Current presenter Anna Maria Tremonti – Read more

‘More San Joaquin congregations opt to remain’ says Episcopal Church

Katharine Jefferts SchoriA growing number of Episcopalians in the Diocese of San Joaquin are opting to remain within the Episcopal Church (TEC), as the Fresno-based diocese prepares for an anticipated March 29 special convention that would elect a provisional bishop.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, in a letter to be distributed via a new diocesan newspaper, notes the proposed convention date and reassures the people of the diocese that work is ongoing “to ensure that you and your fellow Episcopalians may continue to bless the communities around you well into the future.” …

Story from Episcopal Life.

Two New West parishes ask for same sex blessings

Bishop Michael InghamTwo parishes in the Diocese of New Westminster have voted to ask to be added to the list of places where same sex blessings may take place.

St. Mary’s Kerrisdale in Vancouver, and the Church of the Holy Spirit in Whonnock, Maple Ridge, by large margins voted to ask Bishop Michael Ingham to grant his permission for the parish to conduct services for persons in committed, monogamous same sex relationships. …

Full press release from the Diocese of New Westminster.

Archbishop Venables to visit Fort Worth

Fort Worth crestArchbishop Gregory Venables, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, has accepted an invitation from Bishop Iker to make a pastoral visit to the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth during the first weekend of May. He will be accompanied by his wife, Sylvia. Read more

Fathers and Sons

Crazy for GodOs Guinness seeks to set the record straight about Francis and Edith Schaeffer by critiquing Frank Schaeffer’s book ‘Crazy for God’ –

“I have never met anyone anywhere like Francis Schaeffer, who took God so passionately seriously, people so passionately seriously, and truth so passionately seriously. The combination was dynamite … The idea that such a man was ‘crazy for God,’ let alone a two-faced con man, is and will always be utterly anathema to me. I was there. I saw otherwise, and I and many of my friends have been marked for life. …”

The review is available in Books & Culture at

Thinking about what we do in church (ii)

Reformation 21‘Back to the Basics of Reformed Worship’

This article, by Jon Payne, was written to encourage Reformed churches to think about what they do in Sunday church.

While the historical background of Anglican Churches is a little different, there’s much to reflect on in this brief essay – from Reformation21.

Thinking about what we do in church (i)

Mark DeverIn an age when many Anglican churches make little use of the Prayer Book, careful thinking about what should happen during a Sunday gathering is more important than ever.

In an interview on the Nine Marks website, Mark Dever (Capitol Hill Baptist Church) speaks on “the Use and Importance of Corporate Prayer”.

This interview provides food for thought for all involved in leading public worship.

Two new bishops in Tasmania

Bp Ross NicholsonFormer Sydneysider and Moore College graduate Ross Nicholson is one of two new bishops consecrated at St. David’s Cathedral in Hobart this evening. Ross served on the ACL’s Council and was a clerical Vice-President in the early 1990s. Please pray for Ross as he serves the Lord Jesus in this new role.

See the press release from the Diocese of Tasmania.
(Photo: Diocese of Tasmania.)

Photos of the service have been posted here.

Competing services held at Ontario church

The CharbonneausMore than 100 members of [the Rev. Paul Charbonneau’s] flock turned out for what could be the last service he celebrates at the half-century-old building on Rebecca St. in the town’s west end. …

The Diocese parachuted in a relief reverend yesterday morning, ostensibly to preach to disenfranchised St. Hilda’s parishioners upset by the move. The only problem? There weren’t any. …

Story from The Toronto Star. See also the latest reports from St. Hilda’s Oakville.

Archbishop Gregory Venables interviewed on Canadian radio

Archbishop Gregory Venables“The Current” on CBC Radio in Canada has run a story on the developing Anglican split. Archbishop Gregory Venables of the Southern Cone was interviewed by telephone from Buenos Aires.

Read about the programme on the CBC website – and listen to a RealAudio file of the segment. (It begins about 2 minutes 30 seconds into the file – it runs for 20 minutes.)

Sir Marcus Loane gives thanks

Sir Marcus LoaneOn Sunday, at a special service at St James’ Turramurra, Sir Marcus Loane marked the 50th anniversary of his consecration as bishop in February 1958. has the story.

(Photo: Ramon Williams.)

Helpful resource:

BethinkingThe Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship’s apologetics website – – has a wide range of audio and text resources to help Christians give an account of their faith. Recommended.

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