1 Corinthians 6 and legal proceedings

Posted on June 16, 2008 
Filed under News

Dr J I PackerM E M O R A N D U M
June 4, 2008
From: J.I. Packer

Re: 1 Cor 6 and Legal Proceedings regarding properties maintained, occupied and used for ministry by ANiC congregations

1. At Corinth, for no better reason apparently than litigiousness or greed, or maybe revenge, believers were taking each other to court before pagan judges (vss. 1, 6). Paul rebukes them, saying:

  1. This dishonours God, flaunting failure in the church by washing dirty Christian linen in public;
  2. This dishonours the church, implying that none of its members is fit to judge even small cases, when God is in fact equipping them all to judge major matters (involving angels!) one day;
  3. This dishonours the Christian calling, which requires willingness to be defrauded rather than disrupt fellowship.

This, however, is not the situation ANiC faces. …

– Read the full Memorandum (PDF file – updated link) on the Anglican Network in Canada website. (Photo: Ed Hird.)