The Ugley Vicar — with the Lord

Posted on March 31, 2014 
Filed under Church of England

John RichardsonLee Gatiss in the UK shares some very painful news:

“I’m sorry to be the bearer of sad news, but our good friend and faithful minister of the gospel, John Richardson, died this morning after recent illness.”

John was a good friend of many and a very able defender of the gospel. There will be many tears.

From a poem John wrote last year, entitled “The Lifeguard”:

When Jordan’s verge I someday tread,
These words I’ll hear inside my head,
“If you would see the Promised Land,
To call the lifeguard, raise your hand.”

So if you see my hand go up,
Don’t hand to me the water cup,
Or fetch the bedpan, next of kin —
These cannot save me from my sin.

And do not think that I am calm,
That’s not why I lift up my arm!
It’s just this thing (you’ll understand),
“To call the lifeguard, raise your hand.”

For he’ll be looking for that wave,
That says, “Saviour, come now to save,”
My anxious fears he’ll bid subside,
He’ll land me safe on Canaan’s side.

Read it all and you will understand why John’s friends can rejoice, amidst the tears.