Young clergy and ordinands push back against gay blessings proposals

Posted on October 21, 2023 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars

“Over one hundred men and women training for ordination in the Church of England have written a public letter warning the church was set to ‘fracture’ should the House of Bishops’ Living in Love and Faith (LLF) proposals on same-sex blessings be adopted.…”

– George Conger writes at

The letter begins:

“Dear Bishops and Archbishops,

We write to you from a broad coalition of those who share a call to ordained ministry in the Church of England. We include people within the discernment process, in training, and those in their diaconate year. At the time of writing we span ten training institutions and twenty-six dioceses. This group draws men and women from varied backgrounds including the HTB and New Wine networks, conservative evangelicals and traditional Anglicans, all of whom care deeply for and are heavily invested in the Church of England.

As those in whom you have invested, who you are preparing for decades of ministry, we need to convey our grief in seeing the current direction of travel concerning the Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF). …”

Read it all here. (PDF file)

Also in the Church of England:

Racial justice pilgrims [from London] visit Anglican Communion Office during tour of London – Anglican Communion News Service.