You can’t be yourself by yourself

Posted on July 11, 2023 
Filed under Theology

“Men and women cannot be fully themselves without one another.

Don’t get me wrong; I love my alone time. I am “me” when I’m by myself. But Genesis 1:27 complicates my idea of myself by saying that God created humankind in his image, as male and female. Somehow, by myself I’m not enough. It takes both men and women to fully express the divine image.

This turns out to be a hugely important truth not just for my self-understanding, but for our relating as men and women in the church (note: this is not an article about marriage!) The foundational text comes in Genesis 2…”

Here’s a very helpful an thought-provoking article by Dr Andrew Shead at Moore College.

At and also in the June-July 2023 edition of Southern Cross magazine.