When society and faith collide

Posted on October 7, 2022 
Filed under Culture wars, Opinion

Rick Lewers encourages Christians to be faithful:

“Standing firm might cost you your job but you will keep your eternal life. Standing firm took Jesus to the cross but it ended in resurrection.”

“Who could have imagined that football would clarify where Christianity sits in this country.

One day Andrew Thorburn, one time CEO of the NAB, was appointed the CEO of the Essendon AFL Club. The next day he was forced to resign because he attends and is on the board of a church that believes abortion and any sex outside marriage is sin.

Just normal orthodox thinking in any of the Abrahamic religions, ie, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Clearly religious discrimination is not irrelevant and these events only heighten the importance of a return to ‘Freedom of Religion’ legislation.

What a clarifier for all Christians. …”

– Rick Lewers, former Bishop of Armidale, and now ministering in the Shoalhaven, has written this helpful piece at SydneyAnglicans.net.