Welby proposes pulling Canterbury out of Anglican instruments of communion

Posted on February 13, 2023 
Filed under Anglican Communion, Church of England, Culture wars

“The Archbishop of Canterbury will surrender his authority as first among equals among the primates of the Anglican Communion in light of the General Synod of the Church of England’s adoption of gay blessings.

Speaking to the opening ceremony of the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Accra, Ghana on 12 February 2023, the Most Rev. Justin Welby stated ‘I will not cling to place or position as an Instrument of Communion.’

His concession comes the day before 12 of the primates affiliated with the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans meet to offer a united response to last week’s vote in General Synod. The decision to introduce same-sex blessings, without seeking a Scriptural or theological foundation for the decision, or respecting the church’s agreements with other Anglican provinces has prompted the largest provinces: Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya to break fellowship. …”

– Is the Archbishop of Canterbury offering to jump before he is pushed? George Conger has this report at Anglican.ink.

Photo credit: Jaqui J Sze, Archbishop of Canterbury’s office.