“In human terms we lost” — Bp Bob Duncan

Posted on October 8, 2009 
Filed under News

“We lost. In human terms we lost. Bishop and Standing Committee, together with Board of Trustees, thought we understood the document that was signed on our behalf in 2005 that ended the first phase of the Calvary lawsuit. But yesterday, the judge found against us on the basis of that document. …

We will take a time for further counsel and prayer, seeking God’s guidance on whether to file an appeal. …

The gospel for this Sunday is Mark 10:17-31, the rich young man. In the passage Jesus promises that those who are willing to leave everything to follow him “will receive back a hundredfold.” Jesus is speaking to us and to our situation. Now is the moment we are called to trust Him at His word. I am willing. Your leadership is willing. Are you?”

– from Bishop Robert Duncan’s Pastoral Letter on this week’s court ruling against the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh (Anglican).