Two stories on ‘the Culture of Death’

Posted on August 6, 2011 
Filed under Opinion

Two disturbing stories – one from the US, and one from the UK.

From Albert Mohler:

“Consider … the fact that 40 percent of all pregnancies in New York City end in abortion (and fully 60 percent of all pregnancies to African American women). Those horrendous and chilling percentages are evidently not enough for the abortion industry and its ideological supporters. They want to shut down crisis pregnancy centers or render them ineffective.”

and this story in the UK’s Mail Online (h/t Bishop John Harrower):

“Can you imagine a lonelier or more frightening place to be trapped in, unable to communicate, than your own body?

These are terrifying times for anyone who cannot speak up for themselves. Whether they know it or not, they are lying prone in a world increasingly seduced by the idea that death is preferable to the life they are living. … But I can. I have lived that life and I know how precious it is.”

(Image: Feggy Art on Flickr.)