Three things Christians can do about physician-assisted suicide

Posted on April 22, 2022 
Filed under Culture wars

“The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 is currently being considered by the NSW Legislative Council. The Bill was introduced in the Legislative Assembly on October 14, and five days later was referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice for inquiry and report – with the report due by the first sitting day in 2022.

Notwithstanding the fact that this inquiry was still in process, the Legislative Assembly went ahead with its consideration of the Bill last year, and the Bill was passed by that house with some relatively minor amendments on November 26. …”

– At, Bishop Michael Stead writes that there is a limited window of opportunity for Christians to act.

One thing you can do is to sign this e-petition which closes on Monday 25 April.

Image: Bishop Stead on The Pastor’s Heart.