The new Chinese Measures for Religious Activity Venues come into force on September 1

Posted on August 9, 2023 
Filed under World news

“Last April, ‘Bitter Winter’ revealed that a draft of new ‘Administrative Measures for Religious Activity Venues,’ intended to replace those of 2005, was being ‘circulated for comments.’ Normally, this is a cosmetic exercise of pseudo-democracy, comments are ignored, and drafts become laws.

In this case, however, it appears that some comments came from official agencies and were taken into account. The final text of the Measures, which will come into force on September 1, is even worse than the draft. …”

Report from Anglican Ink, and a cause for continued prayer.

Article 3

Places of religious activity shall uphold the leadership of the CCP and the socialist system, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations and relevant provisions on the management of religious affairs, practice core socialist values, adhere to the direction of Sinicization of China’s religions…”

Image: Autograph book entry for September 2nd 1938 is a reminder that “China [still] needs our prayers!”