The ACL congratulates the new Principal designate of Moore College

Posted on November 30, 2012 
Filed under News, Sydney Diocese

Here is a statement from ACL President Gav Poole, on the news that Dr Mark Thompson has been appointed as the next Principal of Moore Theological College, from May 2013 –

“The ACL congratulates Mark Thompson on his appointment as the next Principal of Moore Theological College.  

Mark is well qualified for this role. He is a reformed evangelical and well-attested academic. He is a child of the diocese having first entered Moore College to study his BTh in 1983. He eventually joined the academic staff in 1991 where he has since taught Doctrine. He is the current head of the Theology Department. Mark was awarded his D. Phil from Oxford in 1997.

Mark is an internationally recognised theologian. He has served on the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans Theological Resource Group, where he has helped write and edit various papers and books. He led a workshop at the FCA Leaders’ conference in London, during May this year entitled, ‘What is the gospel?’ His contribution to the FCA has helped it to define its theological character.

Mark is currently a Vice President and was President of the ACL from 2005 to 2012. In his final address as President he commented, ‘The simple truth is that the future of our diocese, under God, is not determined by what goes on in Greenoaks Avenue (Darling Point) but by what goes on in Carillon Avenue (Newtown). The theological education of men and women in this diocese is second to none in the world.’ I couldn’t agree more. Now he will be in an even stronger position to ensure that Moore College continues to equip men and women for the work of the gospel in our city and beyond.

Mark is a man of strong Christ-like conviction. His actions will follow his conviction as he will make the brave decisions that need to be made in such a responsible position. The college will be in trustworthy hands.

Mark is married to Kathryn who is a stable, godly helper and capable gospel fellow-worker in her own right. They will form a great team. They have four delightful daughters.

The ACL also congratulates the College Governing Board who worked hard and approached their task prayerfully. We have been rewarded for trusting in them to do their job.

Please pray for Mark as he takes on his new role, particularly during the transition period, as the responsibility for the college will be passed from John Woodhouse to him. We assure him of our support.

Mark will do well to follow the Apostle Paul’s instruction to Timothy,

“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2, NIV)

Gav Poole


News of the appointment at

John Woodhouse to retire from Moore College in 2013.