Stations of the Cross – Without the Cross

Posted on March 13, 2008 
Filed under News

Episcopal Relief and DevelopmentIt has been said that, in the Episcopal Church, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals have replaced the gospel of Jesus Christ – and here is one illustration –

“In this season of Lent, many Christians in liturgical traditions have been meditating on the Stations of the Cross, a series of events – biblical and traditional – depicting the story of Jesus’ death.

This year, however, the Episcopal Church is promoting new devotional material for Lent: the Stations of the Millennium Development Goals. The church’s Episcopal Relief and Development agency created a liturgy based on the United Nations plan to eliminate extreme poverty and other global ills, and sent e-mail to church leaders encouraging its use ‘in lieu of the traditional Stations of the Cross service’. …”

This story was posted last week by Christianity Today.

From the liturgy (PDF) –

Station 7: Have pilgrims calculate their carbon footprint and come up with three strategies to reduce it.