Same-Sex Marriage — An Initial Response

Posted on November 17, 2017 
Filed under Australia, Culture wars, Opinion

“The nation has decided in favour of same sex-marriage. It is now right for the parliament to implement the society’s wish.

Christians who voted ‘no’, and I am one, have a lot to be thankful for even in this result. …

So, with all this to be thankful for, am I pleased with the result? No, of course not. I voted against this decision and would do so again if asked to.

I’m saddened by it, not so much as a Christian but as an Australian. Marriage is a creation ordinance not a religious sacrament. I don’t think it is a good decision for Australian society or family life.”

Phillip Jensen offers his initial response to the result of the Same-sex marriage postal survey.


The text of Phillip’s article is now also available in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.