Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation to purchase Anglican Schools in Dubbo and Orange

Posted on June 29, 2013 
Filed under Australia, Sydney Diocese

Dr Laurie ScandrettThe Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation is buying Anglican Schools in Dubbo and Orange –

“this decision of the Bathurst Diocese and the Board of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation will bring stability to underpin the future operation of these schools…”

Here’s the media release from the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation –

28 June 2013

Dr Laurie Scandrett, Chief Executive Officer of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation, today has announced that the Corporation has exchanged contracts for the purchase of Macquarie Anglican Grammar School at Dubbo and Orange Anglican Grammar School.

“We are very excited to be able to make this announcement today. Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation has exchanged contracts for the purchase of both of these schools. We expect that the purchases will be completed at the end of September. By including the operation of these schools as part of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation, we can guarantee to students, parents, staff and each community that the future of these schools is secure. The schools will be able to continue their great work of Christian education with confidence,” said Dr Scandrett.

The announcement follows a competitive expression of interest process resulting from the decision, earlier this year, of the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst to sell these schools. 

“Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation currently operates 17 schools across Sydney and down the South Coast of NSW with over 12,000 students enrolled and more than 1,500 staff employed. Schools outside metropolitan Sydney include those in Milton, Nowra, Tahmoor and Shellharbour. Every Corporation school operates under a local School Council to ensure that they maintain their foundations in the communities for which they exist to serve. At the same time, the Corporation brings the strength of resources of all of our schools that can only enrich the educational experience of all students,” said Dr Scandrett.

“In taking a detailed look at each school, we have been impressed with the staff teams and their dedication to providing teaching and learning experiences and facilities that are truly outstanding in each area. I want to emphasise that this decision of the Bathurst Diocese and the Board of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation will bring stability to underpin the future operation of these schools. We believe that parents choose Anglican Schools because they appreciate the quality of education offered and the commitment to Christian values that form the basis of the culture of our schools.”

“Operating independent schools involves a number of educational, resourcing and management challenges and with the strength of a network of our schools, the expert personnel and programs to draw on, these schools being part of the Corporation will provide further advantages to the students and families of the Orange and Dubbo communities,” said Dr Scandrett.

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