Restructuring planned for Sydney Diocese

Posted on September 1, 2009 
Filed under News

Southern CRoss Sept 2009Archbishop Peter Jensen has announced a number of changes, designed to help keep Sydney Anglicans focussed on sharing the good news of Jesus despite the challenges brought by the global financial crisis –

“As soon as it became apparent that we would have far less money available in the next three years, the Mission Strategy Committee and the Mission Board began to think and pray about our options. They have been working for several months and have now presented their proposals to Standing Committee before advancing them to the Synod. …

Part of the complexity is that it is not only the Synod money which is affected, but also the money from the Endowment of the See. …

Given the magnitude of the change, tinkering is not enough: we have to restructure. The key is to do it in such a way that we are looking to the future and driven by our mission.

– Read the Archbishop’s message, “Looking Within, Above and Ahead” and related articles in Southern Cross, available at