Reflections — David Cook

Posted on August 20, 2022 
Filed under Encouragement

“We have been attending the St Helens City Summer School at Ashburnham, a gathering of City of London business people and their families, just down the road from Canterbury where the Lambeth conference is being held, a meeting for Anglican Bishops.

As the bishops debate and politic and try to navigate their bibleless way through the same sex marriage debate, down the road at Summer School there is gospel preaching and praying about the need to reach out into the lost city of London with the good news of Jesus. Lambeth has not been mentioned, attendees have bigger gospel shaped concerns. …”

– At the Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares his reflections, six weeks into a ten week trip to the UK.

While there, he’s been doing a spot of preaching at St. Helen’s. Last weekend he spoke on Psalm 100.

* To be fair, not all the bishops at Lambeth ignored the teaching of the Bible, even if far too many did.