On Reading and Studying as a Pastor

Posted on July 28, 2024 
Filed under Encouragement

“Protestant pastors don’t read or study very much these days, and most churches don’t encourage them to do so. There are fewer pastor-readers than ever before (and surfing the web, dabbling in this oddity and that, doesn’t count!).

Church members and even officers sometimes have a hard time appreciating how much time a good message from God’s word takes to develop, and furthermore don’t see the importance of the pastor studying for anything other than preaching and devotions. There is a strong dose of anti-intellectualism in our circles and it doesn’t encourage a man to do the hard work of developing the mind and expanding his knowledge.

But precisely because our people are bathed in trivial information in this day and age, they need a shepherd with real knowledge, much discernment, and a nose for truth.…

Furthermore, Paul gives Timothy a sterling example of studiousness from his own practice and priorities.”

– Ligon Duncan at Reformed Theological Seminary encourages pastors to sound learning. At 9Marks.