From the Bishop of NWA, September 2009

Posted on September 22, 2009 
Filed under News

mulreadys-johnsons-kununurraIn the current issue of North West Network, David Mulready, Bishop of North West Australia, writes on ministry in his sparsely populated diocese. It’s a good reminder to keep the churches of the North West in your prayers –

“What a terrific time Maureen and I had visiting the Kimberley in July. We flew into Kununurra and spent several days with the growing ministry team. Large numbers of tourists were in town for the ‘dry season’ with hundreds of campers and caravans. 

Sunday morning church was amazing, with 130 present from all over Australia and from many denominations. We ran out of chairs! On the Sunday afternoon, a team of twelve drove the 100km to Wyndham for church. Cars went around town collecting the locals for an informal service and BBQ tea. Later in the week we had an enjoyable meal with the Parish Council and families and I visited the Anglicare (Kinway) office.

The BCA “Campers for Christ” team of twelve from around Australia had just finished their two week programme in the five caravan parks in town under the leadership of veterans Mike and Joan Maude. Through providing cooked breakfasts they had the opportunity to share something of the Gospel with hundreds of happy campers. From Kununurra they moved on to do the same thing in Derby, Broome and Eighty Mile Beach. In all, they spent six weeks ministering in this way to around 1500 people.

From Kununurra we flew to Broome and spent a few enjoyable days with the Mildenhalls and the local Congregation. As well as having the Christ for Campers team in town, they’d had a team of seventeen from a Congregation in Perth who serve with them each year. As a direct result of their outreach, a small group has been meeting with Tim to do the five week “Simply Christianity” course. We enjoyed a meal at the Rectory with some of the Congregation and some of the Christ for Campers team and had a great service on the Sunday morning.

We returned home encouraged that we have a great team of Ministers and Co-Workers in the Kimberley and some strong Christians in the Churches. They are taking the initiative to reach out with the Good News but need our prayer support in their isolated situations.”

Photo: Bishop David and Maureen Mulready with Archdeacon Ron and Robyne Johnson in Kununurra – courtesy of the North West Network.