Not enough sex talk?

Posted on February 13, 2010 
Filed under News

“Gender and sexuality have caused divisions in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Same-sex unions are upheld in some churches and not in others; the same is true for gay clergy. While there are more than 3,300 churches that affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender congregants, 57 percent of Protestant clergy hardly ever discuss issues specific to the gay and lesbian community.

But according to “Sexuality and Religion 2020,” a report released this week, they probably should. …

“Religious leaders in clergy are not getting the training they need to address sexuality, and 70 percent seldom or never discuss sexuality issues,” said the Rev. Debra Haffner, director of the institute and co-author of the report.”

– Story from The Statesman in Austin, Texas.

The Religious Institute, a pro-homosexual multifaith organisation, has posted their document here. (Is this the training for clergy they had in mind?)

Update: Al Mohler comments.