Missionary Diocese

Posted on October 17, 2009 
Filed under News

“In Tasmania in 2000, the question was asked, ‘Bishop, what would you like from the diocese as you commence your episcopate?’ – The answer, ‘A website for the diocese.’ The diocese obliged. A new openness to change was evident. However, the much deeper challenge came when the bishop shared the vision of ‘Every Tasmanian committed to Jesus Christ’, declared that the diocese be known as ‘The Missionary Diocese of Tasmania’, and challenged every Anglican to live as a ‘missionary disciple’.

These strong statements of missional intent highlighted the commencement of intentional deep change in the Anglican Church in Tasmania…”
– Bishop of Tasmania John Harrower has made available a chapter he wrote (PDF, Word) for the book “Facing the Future: Bishops Imagine a Different Church”, edited by Stephen Hale and Andrew Curnow.
(Photo: Diocese of Tasmania.)

bp-john-harrowerBishop of Tasmania John Harrower has made available a chapter he wrote (PDF, Word) for the book “Facing the Future: Bishops Imagine a Different Church”, edited by Stephen Hale and Andrew Curnow.

“In Tasmania in 2000, the question was asked, ‘Bishop, what would you like from the diocese as you commence your episcopate?’ – The answer, ‘A website for the diocese.’ The diocese obliged. A new openness to change was evident. However, the much deeper challenge came when the bishop shared the vision of ‘Every Tasmanian committed to Jesus Christ’, declared that the diocese be known as ‘The Missionary Diocese of Tasmania’, and challenged every Anglican to live as a ‘missionary disciple’.

These strong statements of missional intent highlighted the commencement of intentional deep change in the Anglican Church in Tasmania…”

(h/t and photo: Diocese of Tasmania.)