Lead us not into temptation

Posted on August 25, 2024 
Filed under Opinion

“Is not Britain an example of a nation in which the decline of self-control has led to a massive increase in the power of the State?

The permissive society of the 1960s gave permission to throw off the internal moral restraints that a broadly Christian country had encouraged. But when people cannot or will not control themselves, does that not provide a plum opportunity for authoritarians to take over? …

Today’s Book of Common Prayer Epistle reading is from the Apostle Paul’s New Testament letter to the Christians in 1st Century Galatia. It is a call to Christian people to exercise self-restraint in dependence upon God’s Holy Spirit. …”

– At The Conservative Woman, Julian Mann reflects on the Epistle for today.

Also at The Conservative Woman:

The Sunday Hymn: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus – Margaret Ashworth.