Last one out, please turn off the lights

Posted on October 24, 2022 
Filed under ACNA, TEC

“It has been three decades since the Rt. Rev. C. FitzSimons Allison took his first step away from his life as one of the Episcopal Church’s strongest evangelical voices. …

Now the 95-year-old bishop has officially resigned his status as an Episcopal bishop, making his departure official. Two weeks ago, he wrote U.S. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to clarify that he had been received into the Anglican Church in North America – a body recognized as valid by many Anglican bishops in Africa, Asia and the Global South, but not by the Archbishop of Canterbury or leaders in the U.S. Episcopal Church.”

Story from Terry Mattingly at Get Religion.

Read and be thankful for faithful ministers of the gospel like Bishop Allison.

Image from a fascinating 2013 interview by Anglican TV in which he outlines the tragedy of the Episcopal Church and also tells his own story of Christ’s mercy. Well worth watching, saturated with the gospel.