Lambeth 2008: Lift-off or fizzle?

Posted on January 22, 2008 
Filed under Opinion

John RichardsonWas Rowan Williams’s speech launching the 2008 Lambeth Conference written by him or by someone else? That is the question I am asking having just read it online. …

What does one make of this, for example?

“In spite of the painful controversies which have clouded the life of the Communion for the last few years, there remains, as many people have repeatedly said, a very strong loyalty to each other and a desire to stay together. The fact that about 70% of bishops worldwide have already formally registered for the Conference, with a number of others who have signalled that they will attend, shows something of this desire.” …

John Richardson, the “Vicar of Ugley” writes on last night’s media event to launch the upcoming Lambeth Conference 2008. See also the Anglican Communion website.