John Shelby Spong on the Gospel of John — the same old

Posted on June 22, 2013 
Filed under Resources

The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic“[John Shelby] Spong claims … that The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic is the result of an ‘intensive five-year-long study’ of the Gospel of John and of Johannine scholarship. ‘I have now read almost every recognized major commentary on John’s gospel that is available in English from the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries’ (Fourth Gospel, 8). Unfortunately, it doesn’t show …”

– Rob Bowman at Reclaiming the Mind reviews Jack Spong’s latest offering.

Related: See this lecture by Peter Williams on “New Evidences the Gospels were Based on Eyewitness Accounts” (Lanier Theological Library.)