J. I. Packer’s rare Puritan library digitised and available online

Posted on January 13, 2016 
Filed under Resources

Dr J I PackerIn one of the sad attempts to deal with faithful, Bible-believing clergy, in 2008, the then Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster issued a ‘notice of presumption of abandonment of the exercise of ministry’ to Dr J.I. Packer, and others.

As well as being a much-loved and respected theologian and preacher, Dr. Packer is a foremost Puritan historian.

“The John Richard Allison Library in Vancouver—which hosts the joint collections of Regent College and Carey Theological College—has now made available their entire rare Puritan collection to be read online for free. What a gift of modern technology to help us recover these gifts from the church of the past.

There are currently 80 Puritan authors in their collection, many of whose works were digitized from J. I. Packer’s private library.”

– Justin Taylor at the Gospel Coalition has a list of the titles and links to the digitised versions.