Bishop speaks of ‘Interfaith relations’ with members of the TEC House of Bishops

Posted on July 31, 2008 
Filed under News

Bishop Peter BeckwithBishop Peter Beckwith of Springfield spoke of his own Christian faith and responded to questions from the media during a 45-minute session at the Lambeth Conference on July 30.

It was one of the few unscripted moments that the media have been able to observe to date at this event, and Bishop Beckwith drew a large group that delayed the start of an official Episcopal News Service media briefing…

[Speaking of some of his TEC episcopal colleagues, he said –]

“It’s not just that we’re not on the same page,” he said. “We are not in the same book. We are in different libraries. I am dealing with interfaith relations within The Episcopal Church.”

– Report from The Living Church. (Photo: Diocese of Springfield.)