Good news for the Top End

Posted on June 24, 2014 
Filed under Australian dioceses

Dr Greg AndersonReactions to the news that Greg Anderson has been elected Bishop of The Northern Territory –

Dr Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore College:

“It is very good news for the Anglican Church of Australia that Dr Greg Anderson has been elected as the sixth Bishop of the Northern Territory. Greg is a godly and gifted teacher and pastor. We are very sad to see him leave the College since he has made a terrific contribution as the Head of Department of Mission and a vital member of the community.”

“However his love for the Northern Territory and Indigenous people in particular is well known, so it is no surprise that he should be elected Bishop of the Northern Territory. We will continue to pray for Greg, Annette and the family as they prepare for this very important ministry”

Dr Glenn Davies, Archbishop of Sydney:

“This is an excellent outcome following a long and protracted process which makes the decision worth waiting for.

Greg has had experience working in the Northern Territory and has a very good knowledge of Aboriginal culture, deepened by his groundbreaking study of their music.”

And via, Bishop-elect Anderson says,

“We’re grateful for the prayers of many as we look forward to the new situation. The Territory has a rapidly growing population, with many challenges, and also many opportunities, including opportunities for Christian ministry.”

“The situation of the indigenous churches is precious – people whose traditional culture is thousands of years old, and who are thinking hard about what it is to be both Aboriginal and Christian. A particular opportunity for Territory ministry is for people from different cultures to read the Bible together and be open to how God can correct our own culturally-shaped blind-spots through hearing one another’s perspective of what God is saying.”