God will meet all your needs — you can be sure of it

Posted on December 31, 2016 
Filed under Encouragement, Other denominations

john-wilson-presbyterian-moderator-generalWhat can we be sure of for 2017?

I can send you a New Year’s card with the most sincere expression of goodwill: wishing you the happiest year, seeking better outcomes for you and hoping for improved health. But can we, in any way, be sure of such things? Can we be sure that this year will be any better than last? Can we be sure of anything?

It’s the uncertainties of life that are certain. What remains true is that in terms of happiness, better outcomes and good health: 2017 is a complete unknown. BUT, what we can be sure of is that the Apostle Paul is right when he says: ‘God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.’

What remains absolutely true is Paul’s testimony in Philippians 4:19. …”

– Presbyterian Church of Australia Moderator-General John P Wilson has released this God-honouring New Year’s message.