‘God already at work through shamanism’ and other news from Montreal

Posted on December 29, 2012 
Filed under Anglican Communion

Two stories from the latest issue of The Montreal Anglican

1.) “Recovering a diaconal ministry that will reach out to people on the fringes of society is one of the top items on the agenda of the church today, the Anglican Church of Canada bishop for aboriginals said in Montreal in November. …

The church needs to recognize that God is already at work through, for example, first nations spirituality, shamanism in various traditions and Confucianism, Bishop Mark MacDonald, national indigenous bishop, said.” – page 6.

2.) “Bishop Barry Clarke of Montreal – from 1993 to 2004 parish priest of St. Paul’s Church in Lachine – asked members … in a near-capacity congregation of over 300 parishioners and well-wishers to stand and be recognized as he presided over a closing service marking the end of the 139-year history of the parish…” – page 7.

1.3MB PDF here. (h/t Anglican Essentials Canada blog.)