Gafcon Ireland Conference 2022

Posted on March 27, 2022 
Filed under GAFCON

Gafcon Ireland’s Conference – What is the Gospel? – was held on Saturday 26 March 2022 at St. Anne’s Cathedral Belfast.

Archbishops Ben Kwashi and Foley Beach spoke, along with the Revd. Dr. Nick Tucker.

You can see the full event here.

If you know someone who wants to understand what has been happening in the Anglican Communion, and why GAFCON is needed, this address by Archbishop Foley Beach is a very clear and helpful introduction. It’s also wonderfully encouraging to see that the Lord has not been left without a witness.

He turns to the Letter to Jude to help us understand the pagan theology which is infiltrating the Anglican Communion.

“For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” – Jude 4.

Archbishop Foley Beach is introduced and answers questions about himself and ACNA here.

His “must see” address begins here. (Note: If GAFCON Ireland later edits the video, these times might not be accurate.)

Related: these items from our Resources section: