GAFCON a ‘subversive movement’, Irish bishops who attended, ‘an absolute disgrace’

Posted on June 25, 2018 
Filed under GAFCON, Ireland

“Attendance by two Church of Ireland bishops at the conservative Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) meeting in Jerusalem last week has provoked deep anger among the church’s clergy.

They have described it as ‘an absolute disgrace’, ‘schismatic’, and as illustrating ‘how utterly out of touch some senior clergy’ were with church membership.…”

– A very unhappy reaction to GAFCON reported in The Irish Times.

See also:

Trevor Johnson and Tim Anderson from Gafcon Ireland react to the ‘Letter to the Churches’. Video.

GAFCON Ireland.

A good reminder to pray for Ireland. (Image: from the launch of GAFCON Ireland.)