From the Archives: When to make a stand

Posted on August 16, 2016 
Filed under History, Theology

Detail from Luther at the Diet of Worms, by Anton von Werner, 1877From our Archives: Here’s the text of an address given by Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson during the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans Conference in Melbourne in March 2015.

“Three great ‘stands’ in the history of the church:

• the stand of Athanasius over the person of Christ;

• the stand of Martin Luther over the authority of Scripture and justification by faith alone;

• the stand of the GAFCON Primates over the priority of Christ and his mission, the authority of Scripture over denominational processes, revisionist theology, and ethical practice. …

Being prepared to make a stand has characterised genuine Christian leadership throughout the last two thousand years. But why? And when? And how?”

–  Very helpful. Download it here as a PDF file.

(Picture: Detail from ‘Luther at the Diet of Worms’, by Anton von Werner, 1877.)