FAQ on Diocese of the Southern Cross

Posted on August 18, 2022 
Filed under GAFCON Australia

GAFCON Australia has sought to answer some of the most-asked questions about the new Diocese of the Southern Cross:

“Gafcon Australasia Conference was held in Canberra with 360 people present from across Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific. The theme of the conference was ‘Proclaiming Christ Faithfully’ and the focus was on mission.

However the conference also formally announced the creation of the Diocese of the Southern Cross. This will be a parallel Anglican jurisdiction for those who have had to leave the Anglican Church of Australia because of revisionist teaching. …

Member churches will commit to uphold the 39 Articles, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Ordinal. It is overseen by an Anglican bishop. It has been recognised by the Gafcon Primates, Anglican leaders who represent the majority of Anglicans worldwide.”

Full FAQ here.