God’s place in the Dreaming

Posted on July 31, 2009 
Filed under News

Uniting Church logo“The Uniting Church recently became the first major Christian denomination in Australia to commence processes to formally acknowledge, in the Preamble to its Constitution, Australia’s traditional owners and their pre-existing relationship with the Creator God. …”

– from The Uniting Church website – emphasis added.

(Romans 1:16-23 also speaks about everyone’s pre-existing relationship with God.)

See also:

In addition to recognising Aborigines as the first people to settle in Australia, the preamble also acknowledges that the church did not bring God to Australia’s indigenous people.

“They’re saying it’s not Europeans who brought God to this land on a boat,” Reverend Murray Muirhead, from the Aboriginal wing of the Uniting Church in Alice Springs, told ABC radio.

“God had already been here for millennia.”

– report from The Brisbane Times, July 21, 2009.