David Cook’s encouraging report from the UK

Posted on March 27, 2014 
Filed under Opinion

David Cook“We have been in the U.K. now since 13th February, long enough to have some reflections:

In Australia we may think that the Church we see in the Royal weddings or funerals is typical of the church here – formal and lifeless. That is contrary to our experience. We have found the Church to be faithful, creative, lively and very well led.

We are here as part of the 4 yearly Passion For Life and my role has been to either preach evangelistically or to encourage others to do that…”

– Presbyterian Church of Australia Moderator General (and former SMBC Principal) David Cook is in the United Kingdom, where he’s spoken at various places including St. Helen’s Bishopsgate and The Tron in Glasgow. Read his reflections here (you may need to scroll down to 27 March 2014).