Remembering D-Day

Posted on June 6, 2024 
Filed under History

Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day on 6th June 1944.

Five years ago, Joe Carter wrote this potted summary for The Gospel Coalition.

Students of history know that D-Day represented a massive effort to win freedom from Nazi tyranny, and there was great personal sacrifice. In a world where so many take for granted the freedoms we enjoy, it is good – and sobering – to remember.

Yet Christians know that our liberation from sin and death came at an even higher price. Incalculably so.

As we remember and give thanks for those who laid down their lives to defend our freedom and civilisation, let’s never take for granted what the Lord Jesus has done for us.


Hear the NBC radio broadcast announcing the D-Day invasion.

A D-Day story: Part One – The crossing – Tom McCarthy at The Conservative Woman.

Freedoms of West make our culture worth defending – John Anderson

Image: 1977 photo of a stone marker in Saint-Malo, France – part of La Voie de la Liberté – the Road to Liberty – opened in 1947. It commemorates the route of the Allied forces as they fought to liberate Europe.