Cranmer the evangelist

Posted on September 18, 2014 
Filed under History, Resources

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke“The language of The Book of Common Prayer may be over 400 years old, but captured within it is a clear evangelistic structure, based on scripture: a recognition of personal sin, repentance, forgiveness and praise at God’s goodness.

We may not use BCP liturgies directly, but let us use the truths of scripture contained within for our own good, the good of our families, our church and our nation, and ultimately for the glory of God. This article is worth reading not just for its look at the BCP services, but also as a reminder that the structure of our services can be evangelistic, not just our preaching.”

– At Church Society’s blog, Chris Kilgour recommends Samuel Leuenberger’s 1992 Churchman article, “Archbishop Cranmer’s Immortal Bequest: The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England: An Evangelistic Liturgy” (PDF file).