Counterfeit Gods

Posted on October 1, 2009 
Filed under News

“To contemporary people the word idolatry conjures up pictures of primitive people bowing down before statues…

Our contemporary society is not fundamentally different from these ancient ones. Each culture is dominated by its own set of idols. Each has its “priesthoods,” its totems and rituals. Each one has its shrines—whether office towers, spas and gyms, studios, or stadiums—where sacrifices must be made in order to procure the blessings of the good life and ward off disaster.”

– From the Introduction to Tim Keller’s soon-to-be-released book, “Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters”.

Read the full introduction at Westminster Bookstore (PDF file). The book is released later this month. (h/t Between Two Worlds)