Challenges facing General Synod
Posted on June 28, 2014
Filed under Australian dioceses
General Synod begins in Adelaide this weekend.
Many of the documents and reports to be discussed have been placed on the General Synod website.
For example, the Report of the Viability and Structures Taskforce (Book 8, PDF file) includes this quote –
“In only three dioceses (Armidale, North West Australia and Sydney) are sufficient numbers of clergy being ordained to replace those in current active ministry.” [for the period 1995-2010.]
and the table on page 8-029 (page 34 of the PDF file) showing numbers of Anglicans, Clergy, and Attendance figures is worth pondering.
These figures raise questions as to why this is so, and what can be done to help the national church. And they provide encouragement to pray for all gathered for the General Synod, for godly wisdom in seeking to make Christ known.