Remembering the Sacrifice: ANZAC Day 2024

“Grant Dibden, Anglican Bishop to the Australian Defence Force, shares the story of sacrifice about Corporal Reginald Samuel Thorn from Broken Hill, NSW.

A recently discovered letter from Corporal Thorn was sent one day prior to his sacrifice at Pozières, France.

At deaths door, Reginald Thorn’s letter shares the hope of a better place beyond the grave made available through the greatest sacrifice made by Jesus.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13.”

– At Defence Anglicans.

6 Months Later, Israeli Pastor Says, ‘I’m Commanded to Love My Enemies’

“Former Israeli army officer and Reformed pastor David Zadok will never forget the call from his wife.

She rang him early in the morning of October 7, just an hour or two after his overnight flight from his home in Israel landed in Finland. …”

– The Gospel Coalition (US) speaks with Israeli Pastor David Zadok.

Video: Consecration of Dr Siegfried Ngubane as Presiding Bishop of REACH-SA

We missed linking to this video in February when Dr Siegfried Ngubane was consecrated and installed as Presiding Bishop of REACH-SA (The Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa) at Christ Church Midrand.

As the REACH-SA website says, the service was “nothing short of monumental” with a very encouraging array of guests present from around the world.

Bishop Malcolm Richards represented Archbishop Kanishka Raffel at the service, sending greetings from Sydney. Archbishop of Uganda, Stephen Kaziimba, preached. The service is introduced by outgoing Presiding Bishop, Bishop Glenn Lyons.

Most encouraging.

“I’m a cultural Christian”, says Richard Dawkins


“ ‘When you give up Christian faith, you pull the rug out from under your right to Christian morality as well. This is anything but obvious: you have to keep driving this point home, English idiots to the contrary.’ (Nietzsche)

Richard Dawkins is now a self professing, ‘cultural Christian’. …”

– What does it mean? Murray Campbell follows some threads. (Dawkins does think that Christian claims about Jesus are ‘nonsense’.)

Here’s the interview. Image: LBC.

Raising Leaders and Leading with Scripture — Archbishop Miguel Uchôa

The latest Global Anglican Podcast, Episode 3, has been released by Gafcon:

“No leader works alone. Archbishop Miguel Uchôa, Gafcon Vice Chairman and Primate of Brazil, joins Bishop Paul Donison for a candid conversation about the need to raise up godly leaders in the pews of our local churches. Scripture plays a central part.

Archbishop Uchôa shares the ways he has brought the Bible back into secular communities, and also describes how Gafcon brought support and structure to the faithful in Brazil in their time of need.”

Listen here.

Making the most of an “extensive job description”

“There are no doubt many anniversaries to be celebrated in 2024, but the one I am personally thankful for is the 30th anniversary of the appointment of the Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry.

I’m reflecting, with thanks to God, about all that has been done, who did it, and how we can continue building on this vital work.  …”

Archdeacon Kara Hartley reflects – at

Bathurst Diocese: Two more Ordinations coming up in April

“Dear brothers and sisters across our diocese,

It is with gratitude to God that I announce today that Mr Joshua Taylor and Mr Stuart Border are to be ordained as Deacons at All Saints Anglican Cathedral on Saturday 20 April at 11am.

This follows the unanimous recommendation of the diocesan ordination discernment panel, following their recent final discernment interviews with Josh and Stuart, both candidates having been prayerfully and carefully discerned for these orders over the past 12 months. …”

– More encouraging news from the Diocese of Bathurst, and a cause for thanksgiving. The Bishop’s Commissary, Dean of Bathurst James Hodson shares the news. (PDF file).

Bathurst Diocese: Lay Stipendiary Minister for the Narromine Parish

“Thanks be to God that today in the parish of Narromine it is being announced that Mr Luke Merriman is to commence there during May 2024 as Lay Stipendiary Minister. …”

– More encouraging news from the Diocese of Bathurst. (Via the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.)

Praying for the Royal family?

God’s word calls us to pray – 1 Timothy 2:1-4

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” ESV.

Image: Facebook post from the Church of England.

Brian Rosner to finish as Principal of Ridley College at the end of 2024

“During the chapel service on 19 March 2024, Brian Rosner announced to students that he will be finishing up as principal of Ridley College at the end of this year.

After this, Brian will spend 2025 on research leave and then return in 2026 as a lecturer at the college, focussed on teaching, speaking and writing.

Brian will be giving a concluding, not-to-be-missed public lecture as principal on the evening of Wednesday, 16 October 2024.

Brian has led Ridley since mid-2012. …”

Announcement and video at the Ridley College website. And food for prayer. Brians asks for prayer for three things —

  1. The Ridley Board as the search for Ridley’s tenth Principal gets underway.
  2. The College – that God would continue to provide for them that they would conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. That he will finish well as Principal and serve God fruitfully in the years to come.

Getting the word right


“Dr Peter Ryan was a missionary with Pioneers in Namibia teaching at NETS (the Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary). He and his wife Paula returned to Australia in 2017.

Peter has completed his doctoral studies in Mark’s Gospel at Moore College and now serves as the (very able) director of Cornhill: a ‘Bible handling’ course to help people prepare for ministry – especially in communicating God’s word.

Cornhill has two centres – one at Moore College on a Tuesday and one in Rooty Hill on a Thursday. Peter and his wife Paula have two children. He talks to Simon Manchester, who is also one of Cornhill’s visiting teachers.…”

Read here.

Photo: Peter Ryan.

My battle with Cancer, how God healed me — Kwashi, Anglican Archbishop

“Anglican Archbishop, The Most Revd Benjamin Kwashi has recounted how he was afflicted by cancer to the point that he bought a coffin, prepared his funeral programme, and waited for death.

Kwashi was archbishop of Jos Province of the Anglican Church. He retired as Bishop of Jos in 2023 after putting in 31 years as bishop so he could face his orphanage which had about 400 children and also serve in the Global Anglican Future Conference.

He shared the testimony in a programme aired on Advent Cable Network on Tuesday, February 27. …”

Church Times Nigeria shares Archbishop Kwashi’s testimony.

Image: GAFCON.

Diocese of North West Australia Pipeline for leadership

“Geraldton student Nathan Hiscock has been appointed the first Ministry Apprentice in the North West Anglican Church, in a major push to raise up homegrown gospel workers.

The position is part of the new 3-stage Ministry Training Pipeline which includes theological studies and a stint as a curate before graduating to lead a church. …”

Encouraging news from the Diocese of North West Australia (and a reminder to pray for the progress of the gospel in that far-flung diocese).

More Diocesan news here.

Hundreds watch as Sydney’s latest ministers make their promises

“On one of the hottest days of February, a congregation of more than 700 gathered to support ordination candidates as they made the final official step to ordained ministry.

Twenty three men and women lined across the Cathedral, and in a first, in the front row was seeing-eye dog Trixie. …”

– Russell Powell provides this encouraging report on today’s ordinations at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney.

Praying for 2024 Ordinands

“Please pray for these candidates as they prepare for ordination on February 17, 2024 and for taking up positions at the following parishes …” has the list – for your prayers!

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