Police raid Sat-7’s Cairo offices

sat-7“Egyptian police raided Sat-7 channel’s Cairo offices on Oct. 10, confiscating equipment and briefly detaining the pioneer Arabic Christian broadcaster’s country office director.

Detained for hours before being released, director Farid Samir faces possible charges related to operating a satellite TV channel ‘without the necessary licenses,’ a press release by the Sat-7 Cyprus office said two days later…”

– Report from World Watch Monitor.

UK Christian leaders speak out on proposed Extremism Disruption Orders

United Kingdom“More than 50 Christian leaders from across England and Wales have written to The Daily Telegraph to warn that the Government’s proposed Extremism Disruption Orders (EDOs) would be a “disaster” for the church.

The initiative was backed by: Revd Tony Jones, Senior Minister of Christchurch Durham; Revd Dr Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill College; and Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern [and Colin Hart Director of the Christian Institute]…”

– from Anglican Mainstream.

UK government backtracks on ‘sinister’ faith leaders watchlist

United Kingdom“A Home Office minister has signalled that the Government now has ‘no plans’ to introduce a ‘watchlist’ for faith leaders…”

– from The Christian Institute.

UK Govt extremism plans ‘would target Christian charities’

United Kingdom“The Government could remove trustees from Christian charities, including schools, across England and Wales if they are deemed ‘extremist’, according to leaked Government legislation…

It comes after a proposal to enact a ‘national register of faith leaders’ was criticised as an attack on religious freedom not seen since the 17th century.”

– news from The Christian Institute.

International Women’s Consultation — report

Archdeacon Kara Hartley“In late June 2015, Caitlin Hurley, Emma Little, Jane Tooher and I headed to London at the invitation of the Proclamation Trust.

The Proclamation Trust has been a leader of evangelical ministry in the UK, through their training of men and women in expository Bible teaching; conferences for clergy, women in ministry, and ministry wives; their Cornhill course; and their many written resources.

The invitation included the opportunity to attend The Proclamation Trust’s flagship conference, the Evangelical Ministry Assembly (EMA), and after EMA to participate in an international women’s consultation organised by Carrie Sandom…”

at the Equal But Different website, Kara Hartley – Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry in Sydney Diocese – reports on a recent and strategic International Women’s Consultation.

Related: Audio of the EMA 2015 talks. (Proc Trust’s Adrian Reynolds says that the video files will be uploaded in coming days.) Photo by Sam Law.

Australian Christian Lobby welcomes Government response to Syrian crisis

Lylle Shelton, Australian Christian LobbyHere’s a media release from the Australian Christian Lobby:

9 September 2015

The Australian Christian Lobby today welcomed the federal Government’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis with the allocation of 12,000 additional places for asylum seekers. …

“ACL believes that assistance should be based on human suffering. Naturally the most needy groups are religious minorities like Christians, Yazidis, Mandeans and others. We support including these groups in the allocation, not merely because of their religion, but because of their need” Mr Shelton said.

full text here.

Related: Syrian crisis ‘too great to be ignored’ – Archbishop Davies (06 Sept 2015)

8th Planned Parenthood video + resources

video-8“C. S. Lewis once wrote in the preface to the Screwtape Letters,

The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.

He could have been writing about Planned Parenthood and StemExpress.

Today (August 25, 2015), The Center for Medical Progress released its eighth video using undercover footage exposing the reality of what goes on behind these closed clinical doors…”

– At The Gospel Coalition, Justin Taylor has a description of the video, plus some resources for healing.

Bible Society Australia ‘acquires’ Koorong

greg-clarke-paul-bootes-2Here’s an interesting development:

“Bible Society Australia – whose core cross denominational mission is to translate, distribute and engage people with the Bible – has acquired leading Christian retailer Koorong…”

– Real the media release (PDF), or watch the announcement video from Bible Society Australia CEO, Greg Clarke and Koorong Managing Director Paul Bootes.

And some more info here from Bible Society Australia.

Two days left to have your say for NSW scripture in schools

sre-curriculum“There’s only two days left to contribute to the NSW government review of special religious and ethics classes in schools.

The independent review looking into Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Ethics Education (SEE) in NSW primary and secondary schools was announced in October last year and began in March.

Parents and carers, SRE and SEE teachers, current and former students and other interested parties are able to contribute their views here, before submissions close this Friday 31 July…”

Report from the Bible Society. (Emphasis added. Image: Youthworks.)

President’s Address — ACL AGM 2015

The Rev Gav Poole, ACL PresidentAnglican Church League AGM
President’s Address

The fundamental problem with the world continues to be alienation from God.

The solution remains the gospel of peace which proclaims reconciliation by Christ’s death. This is a gospel for all creation and the church remains the pillar, defender and herald of that truth.   Read more

‘Stoush over NSW public school enrolment forms’

NSW“Accusations that Rev Nile asked for the ethics changes in exchange for his support of the government’s power privatisation plans have also emerged, and have been denied by Rev Nile and the Christian Democrats.

While the media has focused on Rev Nile’s request to take ethics classes off the enrolment form, there has been barely a mention that the same request has been made unanimously by faith groups offering Special Religious Education in NSW schools…”

helpful background from Bible Society Australia to a story that’s in the news.

John Woodhouse on 1 Kings 1 and the Servant King

John WoodhouseFormer Moore College Principal, Dr. John Woodhouse, was back at college this week, and preached in Chapel for the first time since he retired.

Hear the sermon on 1 Kings 1:1-10 and the Servant King. Most challenging and encouraging.

Good Friday statement from the Primate of Kenya

kenyaArchbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya, has released this statement after the murderous attack in north-eastern Kenya –

“My dear Brothers and Sisters, On this Good Friday we gather in our churches across Kenya in the shadow of a great and terrible evil. People who deal in death have slaughtered 147 people in Garissa, most of them students, and brought wrenching anguish to their families and a deep sadness to our nation.

These young people died because they were Kenyans and they were Christians. This attack was a calculated manifestation of evil designed to destroy our nation and our faith, but on this Good Friday we are reminded that the very worst evil can do is not the last word.…” – Read it all here.

C. E. B. Cranfield (1915-2015)

Cranfield“The Reverend Professor Charles E. B. Cranfield, who has died six months short of what would have been his hundredth birthday, was one of the leading British New Testament scholars of the second half of the twentieth century.…”

– Tom Wright has written this tribute to C.E.B. Cranfield, who died last week.

Oak Hill & Acts 29 to partner in church planting training

Oak Hill & Acts 29“Acts 29, the global church planting network, and Oak Hill College have entered into a partnership to establish an academy to train people for ministry and church planting in Europe and the 10/40 window…”

– News from Oak Hill College in London.

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