Moore College Sunday 2024

Moore College Sunday 2024 is coming up on 4th August.

The College has made available some resources to help you pray for and be aware of what’s happening at Moore.

Moore Matters Winter 2024

Moore Matters magazine for Winter 2024 is now up on the Moore College website.

If you miss out on getting a printed copy at your church, you can download it as a PDF file or view online.

Much encouragement.

Honouring faithful service over 15 years

From Moore College:

“It is with full hearts that we share Moore College Faculty member and Director of the Priscilla and Aquila Centre, Jane Tooher, will be leaving the College at the end of this year.

Jane, who is much loved, has been on College Faculty since August 2009 and she will be dearly missed by everyone at the College.  Jane is the founding Director of the Priscilla and Aquila Centre, the key architect and lecturer in the women’s ministry stream of the Advanced Diploma and a thought leader both within the College and further afield in the area of complementarian models of Christian ministry. …”

Read it all here.

2024 Annual Moore College Lectures

The 2024 Annual Moore College Lectures are just two months away:

The Battle for the Truth of the Gospel.

In Galatians, Paul is engaged in a battle for the truth of the gospel. Over five days this August, Tom Schreiner, the Associate Dean for the School of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky, will be opening the book of Galatians at the 2024 Annual Moore College Lectures.

Tom will be focussing on the centrality of the gospel in the face of opposition.

In Galatians, Paul responds to certain opponents and adversaries who have distorted the gospel and sought to influence the church. He responds by emphasizing the gospel he received from Christ. Paul centres on the cross of Jesus Christ, the inauguration of the eschatological age, the correct understanding of justification, and what it means to live as believers in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us from 5 – 9 August for a week of insightful lectures from an international Pauline scholar.”

All the details are here.

Into the World — new video from Moore College

This seven minute video from Moore College features the partnership with churches in Madagascar.

Most encouraging and food for prayer. Take the time to watch.

It would also be suitable to show in church or in home groups.

How not to lose heart in Ministry — Ed Loane

The Rev Dr Ed Loane gave the occasional address at the 2024 Moore College Graduation on March 26th and the College has just made his talk available.

Ed spoke from 2 Corinthians 4 on ‘How not to lose heart in ministry’.

Watch or listen here.

And read about the graduation at the Moore College website.

Moore College Open Week

The next Moore College Open Week is coming up – a great opportunity to learn about the College – especially if you are considering study.

An Evening with Charlie Skrine

From Moore College:

“Join us for an engaging evening with Charlie Skrine, Rector of All Soul’s Langham Place and passionate advocate for complementarianism.

With many years of experience and dialogue across viewpoints, Charlie brings a wealth of insight into the significance of complementarian roles for men and women. Serving in the heart of London and active in evangelical leadership, he continues the legacy of impactful ministry.

Charlie is visiting Australia to speak at EFAC’s National Evangelical Anglican Conference on the topic of “Evangelical Anglicanism—what sort of future?” And we are privileged to have Charlie presenting the Priscilla and Aquila seminar on Ephesians 5: ‘This is a profound mystery; How can something the Bible says is this good be the cause of so much division?’

Don’t miss his talk this Monday, April 29, from 7-9 pm!

Register today by clicking the link.”

Moore College Open Week 6-10 May 2024

The next Moore College Open Week is coming up next month – a great opportunity to learn about the College – especially if you are considering study.

Also from the College:

“We thank God for the Governing Board’s approval of the Acting Principal’s nomination of the Rev. Charles Cleworth as a part-time member of the Moore College Faculty. …” – 02 April 2024.

Moore College 2024 Graduation on 26th March

Moore College has posted details of the upcoming 2024 Graduation on Tuesday 26th March.

Technology in a post-truth world — CCL podcast with Lionel Windsor

From Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living:

“In our last episode, we heard from Lionel Windsor, who talked about his new book, ‘Truth Be Told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world’.

In this episode, we’re going to focus in on one chapter in Lionel’s book, looking at how, as Christians, we can live truthful, godly lives in a world that is becoming more and more technologically complex.

Technology is not all bad; you listen to this podcast through a variety of technologies. But it’s hard to know how to live in such a technologically complex world. Lionel helps us think through some of the core issues that are vital for us to grasp in a world like ours.”

Listen to Peter Orr speak with Lionel Windsor.

Very helpful – especially for all social media users.

The Faithfulness of the Lord

“As our graduates have made their way from Newtown to serve in a range of locations, both domestic and further afield, we have been increasingly blessed to see new students come through our doors from a variety of different countries, with different family backgrounds, different stories to tell of how they were brought by God from darkness to light, and a raft of different ministry experiences.  …”

– Moore College’s Chief Operating Officer, Soo Sing Goh, gives thanks for God’s blessing on the College this last year.

What’s your Hope? — Revelation 21 and 22

As the Moore College academic year (its 167th) draws to a close, Principal Dr. Mark Thompson preached on Revelation chapters 21 and 22 at the last College Chapel Service.

He lifts our eyes to God’s ultimate purposes. Most encouraging.


The Summer 2023 edition of Moore Matters is now up on the College website.

The Priscilla & Aquila Annual Conference 2024 – Following Christ as men and women

From Moore College:

“Our 2024 P&A annual conference theme is ‘Following Christ as men and women’. Moore faculty member Andrew Leslie will unpack this topic in our morning plenary sessions. Understandably, much of our interest in the Bible’s teaching about men and women is centred on what it means in practice. In the morning plenary sessions, Moore College faculty member Andrew Leslie wants to take a step back from these practical concerns and reflect on the wisdom of this teaching. He’ll begin by exploring how the depiction of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden echoes the pattern of creation itself set out in Genesis 1. Reflecting on this pattern will shed much light on the nature of God and the complementary vocation he has given us as his image bearers. In his second talk, Andrew will take us to the New Testament where the same pattern underlays its description of Christ’s relationship to his people and the life of the church itself.

Our afternoon electives will further unpack the theme of ‘Following Christ as men and women’, with Clare Deeves sharing her PhD research about things to consider when men and women work together on a ministry team. Moore’s dean of Women Susan An and Senior Pastor of The Bridge Church Paul Dale will look at when we disagree with each other about complementarianism while being on the same staff team. Other electives include gender considerations in South Asian ministry; fatherhood; teaching the woman at the well in John 4; and if there are reasons for making different theological decisions than the Apostles.”

See the details and book via the College website.

Moore College Student Support Fund

“Finding the funds to attend College full-time is challenging. Many need to obtain varied forms of support to make it possible. Some students may have already built a financial support base before coming to College, others perhaps not.

The College is committed to providing financial support to our students that will support them to continue in their studies. The Student Support Fund is a way to provide this type of additional support, particularly for living expenses. …”

This is a great initiative to help students at Moore College.

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