Moore College 2024 Graduation on 26th March
Moore College has posted details of the upcoming 2024 Graduation on Tuesday 26th March.
Technology in a post-truth world — CCL podcast with Lionel Windsor
From Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living:
“In our last episode, we heard from Lionel Windsor, who talked about his new book, ‘Truth Be Told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world’.
In this episode, we’re going to focus in on one chapter in Lionel’s book, looking at how, as Christians, we can live truthful, godly lives in a world that is becoming more and more technologically complex.
Technology is not all bad; you listen to this podcast through a variety of technologies. But it’s hard to know how to live in such a technologically complex world. Lionel helps us think through some of the core issues that are vital for us to grasp in a world like ours.”
– Listen to Peter Orr speak with Lionel Windsor.
Very helpful – especially for all social media users.
The Faithfulness of the Lord
“As our graduates have made their way from Newtown to serve in a range of locations, both domestic and further afield, we have been increasingly blessed to see new students come through our doors from a variety of different countries, with different family backgrounds, different stories to tell of how they were brought by God from darkness to light, and a raft of different ministry experiences. …”
– Moore College’s Chief Operating Officer, Soo Sing Goh, gives thanks for God’s blessing on the College this last year.
What’s your Hope? — Revelation 21 and 22
As the Moore College academic year (its 167th) draws to a close, Principal Dr. Mark Thompson preached on Revelation chapters 21 and 22 at the last College Chapel Service.
He lifts our eyes to God’s ultimate purposes. Most encouraging.
The Summer 2023 edition of Moore Matters is now up on the College website.
The Priscilla & Aquila Annual Conference 2024 – Following Christ as men and women
From Moore College:
“Our 2024 P&A annual conference theme is ‘Following Christ as men and women’. Moore faculty member Andrew Leslie will unpack this topic in our morning plenary sessions. Understandably, much of our interest in the Bible’s teaching about men and women is centred on what it means in practice. In the morning plenary sessions, Moore College faculty member Andrew Leslie wants to take a step back from these practical concerns and reflect on the wisdom of this teaching. He’ll begin by exploring how the depiction of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden echoes the pattern of creation itself set out in Genesis 1. Reflecting on this pattern will shed much light on the nature of God and the complementary vocation he has given us as his image bearers. In his second talk, Andrew will take us to the New Testament where the same pattern underlays its description of Christ’s relationship to his people and the life of the church itself.
Our afternoon electives will further unpack the theme of ‘Following Christ as men and women’, with Clare Deeves sharing her PhD research about things to consider when men and women work together on a ministry team. Moore’s dean of Women Susan An and Senior Pastor of The Bridge Church Paul Dale will look at when we disagree with each other about complementarianism while being on the same staff team. Other electives include gender considerations in South Asian ministry; fatherhood; teaching the woman at the well in John 4; and if there are reasons for making different theological decisions than the Apostles.”
– See the details and book via the College website.
Moore College Student Support Fund
“Finding the funds to attend College full-time is challenging. Many need to obtain varied forms of support to make it possible. Some students may have already built a financial support base before coming to College, others perhaps not.
The College is committed to providing financial support to our students that will support them to continue in their studies. The Student Support Fund is a way to provide this type of additional support, particularly for living expenses. …”
– This is a great initiative to help students at Moore College.
A unique memorial: The John Francis Cash Memorial Chapel at Moore College
This Remembrance Day, learn a little about the John Francis Cash Memorial Chapel at Moore Theological College –
“John Francis Cash was the first Sydney civilian to volunteer for the RAAF after the outbreak of World War 2, and the chapel built in his memory may be considered to honour the memory of all the young Australian men killed in that conflict but have no grave or other memorial. …”
– in 2020, Erin Mollenhauer, Senior Archivist and Special Collections Librarian at Moore College’s Donald Robinson Library, penned this introduction.
(Click the image for a larger version, courtesy of Moore College.)
Part-time study at Moore College?
Might part-time study at Moore College be an option for you?
Watch this short video just released by the College then see more details here.
Howard Guinness and the beginnings of evangelical university ministry in Australia
Coming up at Moore College on Wednesday 1st November –
“Dr Howard Guinness, of the well-known Irish brewing family, was sent to Australia in 1930 by Inter-Varsity Fellowship to develop Christian student groups on university campuses. His visit was the catalyst for the establishment of Sydney University and Melbourne University Evangelical Unions on the basis of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
During his later parish ministry in Broadway and Vaucluse, his ongoing involvement in EU missions has left a lasting legacy in university campus ministry.
Dr Ruth Lukabyo will examine Dr Guinness’ work and legacy in this free event.”
– Details and booking from the College.
For more background see:
Remembering Howard Guinness – including Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane’s sermon at the funeral of Dr. Guinness in 1979.
Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane remembers the beginnings of the SUEU – audio recording from 1980.
The Legacy of Charles Christopher Godden – A Testament to Faith
Mark Earngey, Head of Church History at Moore College, shares the story of Moore College graduate Charles Christopher Godden 1876-1906.
For more on C. C. Godden, see
“Let there be peace”: the spiritual legacy of C.C. Godden – Moore College.
A unique memorial: the John Francis Cash Memorial Chapel after 70 years – Moore College.
Images: Moore College.
The Rev Berthier Lainirina — The danger of spiritual deception
The Rev Berthier Lainirina from Madagascar spoke at Moore College chapel this morning.
His topic: James 1:16-18, The danger of spiritual deception.
Watch here – or listen here.
Donald Robinson Library Lecture to remember Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM
Coming up on Saturday 23 September at Moore College:
“Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM (1939-2014) was an extraordinary woman who used her many talents to serve God through her work as Principal of Deaconess House, CEO of Anglican Media, President of the NSW Council of Churches, and other roles. She was passionate about lay women’s ministry and the Deaconess Order, and has left an enduring legacy in the Diocese of Sydney.
This event celebrates her life and work, with talks highlighting different aspects of her influential ministry.”
When Margaret was called home in 2014, she was remembered as a dear friend and sister, a warrior for Christ.
Moore Matters Spring 2023 now online
The Spring 2023 edition of Moore Matters from Moore College is now available in parishes – and also online. The theme for this issue is Trusting the Bible.
Head of Church History, Dr Mark Earngey, contributes an article, “The Bible in the English Reformation” –
“Lord, open the King of England’s eyes!”
These were the dying words of William Tyndale who earnestly desired that the ploughboy would grasp as much of the Scriptures as would the priest.
There years later his prayer was answered in abundance when King Henry VIlI authorised the Great Bible in 1539. Every parish in the realm was ordered to purchase it and have it physically chained to a convenient place, such as the lectern. It was great, not only because of its size, but also because of its authority. In its Preface, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer said, “this book … is the Word of God, the most precious jewel, the most holy relic that remains on earth.”
Cranmer knew that the Bible needed to be central to his Reformation agenda. He believed that the Holy Scriptures were God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. I:21) and that they judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts (Heb. 4:12). Thus, the sharpness of the written Word of God could cut out those errors of the church which had crept in through the Middle Ages. The penetrating clarity of the written Word of God could assist men, women, and children to understand the will of God for their own lives. …
Moore College Open Week 21-25 August
Moore College is holding an Open Week 21-25 August.
Moore College Lectures 2023
Coming up on 14 – 18 August.