New Prayer Cycle for the Diocese of the Northern Territory

The Diocese of the Northern Territory has produced a Prayer Cycle to encourage prayer for the work of the gospel in the Top End and elsewhere.

Download it here.

Roebourne’s Holy Trinity Church, the oldest church in WA’s north-west, celebrates 125 years

“The historic Holy Trinity Church in Roebourne — transformed last year after decades of neglect — turned 125 this week, with more than 50 people attending celebrations to mark the milestone.

Some travelled more than 1,600 kilometres to celebrate the anniversary of the church, which is the oldest in north-west WA. …”

This story from ABC Pilbara serves as a reminder to pray for gospel ministry in Roebourne and elsewhere in the North West.

The Anglican Church League welcomes the election of Kanishka Raffel

The Anglican Church League expresses its congratulations to Dean Kanishka Raffel on his election to become the new Archbishop of Sydney. We look forward to his installation at St Andrew’s Cathedral on 28 May 2021.

We give thanks for the prayerful and diligent way the members of Synod chose our new Archbishop from among four godly nominees. We also wish to express our appreciation to all the nominees and their families for allowing themselves to be considered for such an important role, and we commit to praying for their ongoing ministry within the Diocese of Sydney.

Over his entire ministry life, both within and outside the Diocese, we have seen Kanishka demonstrate a heartfelt love of Jesus and a commitment to following him as Lord, whether it be through the gracious proclamation of the Gospel to the lost, or in the courageous contention for Evangelical truth with the wider Anglican Communion. We are confident he will continue to bring these same traits to the new ministry role of the Archbishop of Sydney.

The ACL encourages its members to continue to uphold Kanishka, Cailey and their family in prayer as Kanishka seeks to lead our Diocese in mission to the lost and lead the wider church in faithfulness to the Scriptures. We give thanks for his willingness to serve.

Kanishka has been a member of the Anglican Church League for more than 25 years.

Rev. Andrew Bruce

Dr. Robert Tong AM

Kanishka Raffel with Richard Glover on ABC Radio Sydney

Updated with a direct link to the interview.

Richard Glover on ABC Radio Sydney interviewed newly elected Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel on Monday 10th May 2021.

The interview can be heard at this link.

Image from the Cathedral video stream, 09 May 2021.

Hear the back story of Sydney’s new Archbishop

“In the days after Kanishka Raffel’s election as Sydney’s new Archbishop, his face has been on the major TV news, he has been questioned by the Sydney Morning Herald and now an in-depth interview with ABC Radio.

While Channel Nine News drew comparisons with the first leader of Anglicans in Sydney, Bishop Broughton, the main news on Channel Seven featured the Dean of Sydney speaking about his election last Thursday. …”

– At, Russell Powell gives a roundup of media coverage of the Archbishop’s election, including a transcript of Kanishka’s interview with Richard Glover on ABC Radio Sydney yesterday.

Image: Wesley Mission.

Sydney’s almost unnoticed Archbishop-elect: The challenges facing Kanishka Raffel and the Anglican church

“Sydney’s Anglicans have just elected a new Archbishop — the current Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel. You may not have noticed. Only two decades ago, the election of an Anglican Archbishop in Sydney was not just news, it was a matter for critical commentary in the opinion pages of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Earlier this year, the retirement of the previous holder of that office, Archbishop Glenn Davies, was not even mentioned in the secular press. The death of former Archbishop Donald Robinson, Archbishop from 1982 to 1993, likewise scarcely caused a ripple.

All this tells you something about the current cultural moment into which the new Archbishop of Sydney must step. …”

– In an opinion piece for ABC Religion and Ethics, Michael Jensen concludes,

“If Sydney Anglicans can catch something of the character of Christ as it has been refracted in their new leader, and imitate him as he continues to imitate and serve his Lord, then who knows what the Spirit of the living God may do?”

Anglican Aid Update for Churches – May 2021

At last week’s Diocese of Sydney Synod, this short video from Anglican Aid was screened. It introduces their partnership with the people of Madagascar. and would be ideal to show in church or to small groups.

A downloadable version is available via the website where there’s also an update in the situation in India.

Moore College welcomes Kanishka & Cailey Raffel

“Moore College welcomes the election of the new Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel.

Kanishka is married to Cailey and they have two adult daughters, Hannah and Lucy.

He is a graduate of the College having studied here from 1992–1995. While exercising a powerfully effective ministry at St Matthew’s Wanniassa in Canberra (1996–99) and St Matthews’ Shenton Park in Perth (1999–2015), he completed a MA (Theol) from the College as well (2010). Since returning to Sydney as Dean of Sydney in 2016, Kanishka and Cailey have been frequent visitors to the College. …”

A welcome from Moore College.

Bishop of Bathurst introduces their new Chancellor

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder introduces the new Chancellor of the diocese, Adrian Ahern.

Sydney’s new Anglican Archbishop faces an enormous task

“Last week, Sydney’s Anglicans elected Kanishka Raffel to serve as Archbishop of Sydney.

Kanishka is currently serving as dean in Sydney’s St Andrew’s Cathedral. At a service there on May 28, he will be officially installed in the role, making him the spiritual leader of some half a million people who identify as Anglicans in Greater Sydney and Wollongong. …

Only about 60,000 people regularly attend Anglican churches in the Sydney diocese. … There is, however, a deep spiritual hunger in our community – a desire that has intensified during the pandemic.”

– Michael Jensen writes about the challenges facing the new Archbishop and Anglicans in Sydney – in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Image: Kanishka and Cailey Raffel were interviewed about their new roles during the Cathedral service this morning.

An historic moment at Synod — video

Watch this encouraging video of the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney welcoming Kanishka and Cailey Raffel just after Kanishka was elected as the next Archbishop of Sydney.

With thanks to Russell Powell and Anglican Media Sydney.

Getting to know the incoming Archbishop of Sydney

Many will know Kanishka Raffel, who was elected as Archbishop of Sydney at the special session of Sydney Synod this week.

If you don’t know Kanishka, here is some background provided by his nominators:

“Kanishka Raffel is currently the Dean of Sydney, serving at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

He has been married to Cailey for 32 years, and they have two adult daughters.

Born in London of Sri Lankan parents, he arrived in Australia as a 7-year-old. His father died soon after the family arrived in Australia and his mother and siblings moved back to Sri Lanka for a couple of years before returning to Australia when Kanishka was 9.

Raised a Buddhist, a friend gave Kanishka a copy of two Gospels when he was at University. At the age of 21, Kanishka was convicted by the inescapable words of Jesus in John’s Gospel: ‘No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day’ (John 6:44). This personal experience has not only meant that Kanishka is passionate about spreading the Good News but it also means that he happily rests on the unchanging truth that God brings people to himself through his Son.”

Here a selection of links (some of them thanks to the above website) to help you get to know Kanishka:

The Dean’s Story – interview with Rachael Kohn on ABC Radio National, February 2016. Audio file here.

Interview with Noel Debean on ABC Radio Religion and Ethics, March 2016.

A very surprised Christian – Kanishka’s journey from Buddhism to Christ, in his own word, May 2018.

Do not lose heart – Preaching Matters, St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, February 2015.

Good News from the Other Side — Dean of Sydney’s Easter Day sermon 2020.

Speaking about Love on Good Friday, March 2016.

Unexpected Beauty: The Enduring Comfort of Christian Fellowship, March 2021.

A selection of articles on The Gospel Coalition website

Guest appearance on The Drum, ABC TV, October 2019 – esp. see from 43:39.

‘Leading from the pulpit’, Village Church Annadale, 2018.

A sermon on John 6:49-69 (I am the bread of life) at MBM Rooty Hill, March 2019.

Please uphold in prayer Kanishka and Cailey with the many changes coming for them both, and pray that they will continue to delight in knowing and serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo: Courtesy Kanishka’s nominators.

“Like every Christian, I gladly trust in Jesus.” — Kanishka Raffel elected Archbishop of Sydney

“The Dean of Sydney, the Very Reverend Kanishka Raffel, has been elected as Archbishop of Sydney, the first person from a non-European background to hold the position.

He’s the 13th leader of the Anglican Church in Sydney since Bishop Broughton was first appointed in 1836.

‘I’m humbled and somewhat daunted by the responsibility given me by the Synod,’ Archbishop-elect Raffel said. ‘We believe that the Lord works through his people — both in making this decision and in enabling the Archbishop to fulfil his role. Like every Christian, I gladly trust in Jesus.’

Mr Raffel has been the Dean of Sydney for six years, previously leading a large Anglican church in Perth for 16 years. …”

– Read the full report from Russell Powell at

Image via Anglican Media Sydney.

Election update: One name through


“At midday on Thursday May 6, the Diocesan Secretary announced the result of the second vote taken at the Archbishop Election Synod on Wednesday night.

Delegates met at the International Convention Centre in Darling Harbour and considered Dean Kanishka Raffel and Bishop Michael Stead, the two names left after the first round of voting.

Only one nominee proceeded to the final select list, Dean Kanishka Raffel. (see the announcement of voting here)

The Election Synod will vote tonight on whether to invite the Dean to be the next Archbishop of Sydney.”


Also, the snap COVID restrictions in Sydney, beginning at 5:00pm, will mean that Synod members will need to wear masks indoors for the final session where the motion will be put that ‘That (A.B) be invited to be Archbishop of Sydney’ (where A.B. will be Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel).

Two names proceed to Select List in Archbishop’s election Synod

According to this Report to the President of the Synod, after last night’s vote in the special session of the Synod, two names have proceeded to the Select List. They are:

Dean of Sydney Kanishka Raffel and
Bishop of South Sydney Michael Stead.

Please uphold these men in prayer, as well as the Synod in its continued deliberations this evening.

Click the image above for all documents relating to the Synod.

Previously: Continued prayers urged for Nominees for Archbishop of Sydney.

Photo of the well-spaced Synod meeting courtesy

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