Charming and unapologetic: Sydney’s Anglican archbishop isn’t afraid to be out of step with the times
“Kanishka Raffel’s election as Archbishop of Sydney broke the mould. His predecessors are all of European descent; his heritage is Sri Lankan. Many of those who went before him were sons of Sydney’s Anglican dynasties, and attended its sandstone schools; he moved to Australia as a boy and went to Carlingford High. …”
– At the Sydney Morning Herald, Jordan Baker has this profile of Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel. Great reading!
Elisabeth Arnett retires as Executive Assistant to the Principal of Moore College
“Many people who have visited or contacted Moore College will know Mrs Elisabeth Arnett. Elisabeth has served the College for nineteen years as the Executive Assistant to the Principal.
In all that time she has been an adornment to the College, a magnificent example of grace and service, warm friendliness and thoroughgoing professionalism. …”
– News from Moore College.
(Elisabeth also served for many years on the Council of the Anglican Church League and would be familiar to many Synod members through her organising of ACL Synod Dinners.
ACL Council members likewise thank the Lord for her, remembering her service and friendship with much gratitude, and pray for the Lord’s blessings on Elisabeth and her husband Trevor.)
Bathurst Diocese Strategic Plan
You may have watched Bishop Mark Calder’s keynote address from the Bathurst Diocesan Conference held on 30 July 2022.
He spoke about the Strategic Plan for the Diocese.
Here it is in one-page – Sharing Jesus for Life! (PDF file.)
Grace Flows in Tanzania — Anglican Aid
Here’s an encouraging video from Anglican Aid.
The harvest is plentiful — more workers for Bathurst Diocese
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder has announced two new appointments –
“Excited to announce the appointment of the Reverend Andy Martin as rector of Holy Trinity Orange from October (pictured at left with his wife Amanda and their two girls), and the appointment of Tim Smith, who will serve from 2023, initially as Deacon in Charge of Grenfell parish (pictured here with Jess and their baby).”
– from the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.
See also Bishop Mark Calder’s keynote address from the Diocesan Conference held on 30 July 2022:
A tonic for any church. Well worth watching – and plenty to pray about.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel at Geraldton Cathedral’s Diamond Jubilee
Last week Archbishop Kanishka Raffel travelled to Geraldton in Western Australia for the Cathedral’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
He was welcomed to speak at the celebration service by Acting Dean David Seccombe.
Encouraging and a great reminder to pray for the progress of the gospel in the North West.
Moore College Sunday 2022
Moore College Sunday 2022 is coming up.
The College has posted videos and graphics you can use to encourage your church to pray.
Praying for the North West and the election of a new Bishop
In the latest edition of North West Network (PDF file), Paul Spackman, Administrator of the Diocese of North West Australia, asks for your prayers for the election of their new bishop.
The election synod is planned for August 26-28 2022.
New Dean of Geraldton
“Cathedral members are rejoicing at the news that the Revd Lachlan Edwards has been appointed the new Dean of Geraldton.
Lachlan and his wife Bec have spent the past decade ministering in Sydney at Christ Church Lavender Bay and Fig Tree Anglican Church.
They are thankful to be returning to the place where they served after graduating from Trinity Theological College in Perth. …”
– News from the Diocese of North West Australia.
Praying for Bathurst’s Strategic Plan
“Sharing Jesus for Life” is the catchphrase of the Bathurst Diocese Strategic Plan to be launched at the diocesan conference in two weeks.
It’d be good to pray for all attending the conference, and for Bishop Mark Calder as he leads it.
Happy 142nd birthday, Australian Church Record!
“On the first of July, 1880 the ACR began. Its name back then was ‘The Church of England Record’.
Its very first article explains its object and purpose – and it’s remarkable that (1880s language conventions notwithstanding) it’s still the ‘vibe’ of the ACR, 142 years on. Note the references to ritualism, liberalism, mission, children’s and youth ministry, godliness of life, personal evangelism, etc. …”
– And you thought the Anglican Church League (founded c. 1909) was old.
Read about the ACR’s Object and Purpose as it was in 1880.
ACL Centenary Dinner Address, September 2009.
An open letter to the Archbishop of Brisbane
In response to Archbishop Phillip Aspinall’s Address to the Brisbane Synod on 25th June 2022, The Rev. Peter Judge-Mears, the Rector of a parish in the diocese, has written an open letter –
“Dear Archbishop Phillip,
I wrestled hard with how I should respond to your Presidential Address last month. I remain grateful for your gracious invitation to address my concerns with you in person. However, I feel that the very public nature of your comments and the impact they have had on our Diocese demand an equally public response. …”
Read the full letter here (PDF file).
It would be good to pray for all involved.
And read Archbishop Aspinall’s Presidential Address here (PDF file).
Photo: Archbishop of Brisbane Phillip Aspinall.
Top Centre 22.2
The latest issue of Top Centre, the magazine of the Diocese of the Northern Territory, is now available from their website.
It serves as a good reminder to pray for the churches and the progress of the gospel in the Northern Territory.
More encouragement from Bathurst Diocese
The Diocese of Bathurst – via its Facebook page – shares encouraging news and food for prayer –
Tim Smith, pictured with Jess and Annie Amelia, at left, and Jonny Lush, pictured with Liz, have been approved for ordination as deacons. The ordination service is planned for December.
“We are currently discerning where they may best serve the Lord in 2023, when 16/28 parishes without clergy will become 14/28!!”
At right: The Rev’d Ben Mackay will be ordained priest in the church of God on Saturday 16th July at 2pm, at St George’s Parkes.
Southern Cross July-August 2022
The Diocese of Sydney’s magazine, Southern Cross, for July-August 2022 will be available in parishes this weekend.
It’s also available for download. Grab your copy now.