Southern Cross November — December 2022 out now

The November – December 2022 issue of Southern Cross magazine will be arriving in parishes shortly. Be sure to get your copy!

If you can’t wait, you can download a copy (12MB PDF file) or read it online at

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s column is on page 19.

Remembering Chappo with affection and thanksgiving

Ten years ago today, on 16 November 2012, John Chapman (‘Chappo’) was called home.

Not many are blessed with the gifts of evangelism and preaching that Chappo had – but all Christians are blessed to have the same saving message to share.

Here are a few reminders of Chappo, and we pray that they will serve to draw our hearts to Jesus:

Phillip Jensen interview with John Chapman – Part 1 and Part 2.

John Chapman: Encouragement for Evangelism – 7 minute cassette tape to encourage Christian students at Sydney University to believe and act on the gospel, prior to the SUEU Mission in June 1977. Right-click the link above to download, or listen below.


Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.

The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.

John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.

John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.

Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.

Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.

1980 Photo: AFES.

Bathurst newsletter November 2022

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder writes:

“Please find attached the first of a semi-regular newsletter from me as a way of increasing communication around the diocese – and beyond!”

Download the newsletter here as a PDF file. Food for prayer.

Top Centre 22.3 now online

The latest issue of the Diocese of the Northern Territory‘s magazine, Top Centre 3.22, is now available for download from their website.

New Resident Minister for Cobar after 20+ years

Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, writes,

“Dear Brothers and sisters,

It is well over 20 years since there was a resident Anglican minister in Cobar.

So it is with great thankfulness to God that I announce today that the Rev’d James Daymond will take up this role sometime early in the new year.

Together with Brittany, James has been open to the call of God on his life for a new chapter in ministry. It is important to note that he will continue to do the work of an evangelist as James sees that as his primary calling. However, serving as Priest-in-Charge of Cobar, will only open up immense opportunities in the community at large for James to make connections, build trust and friendship and share Jesus for life.

This appointment would not be possible without the generous support of the Bush Church Aid Society. James and Brittany are delighted to be able to continue as BCA field staff members and will enjoy not only the generous funding of BCA, but also the wonderful prayer support which being part of the BCA family means.

I have great confidence that James and Brittany will be a great blessing to the seven current members of the church and to the community at large.

James commented on his appointment: “We thank the Anglican Parish of Cobar welcoming us both to serve them and to serve with them! We look forward to reaching out to the spiritually lost, sharing Jesus for life, and caring for Cod’s people.”

Please join me in giving thanks to God for James and Brittany’s willingness to serve in Cobar and for making the many sacrifices this will involve. And give thanks for BCA’s willingness to partner with us in placing a resident minister in Cobar – one of the first towns in which BCA ever placed a minister!

We pray also for those who in Mudgee who will feel the loss of James’ move. May they know God’s comfort and be given grace to trust in His plans, both for the future of the evangelism program and for Arvo church.”

Bishop Calder also writes,

“Currently a Deacon, God willing, James will be ordained Priest on 03 Dec at 11am, All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst.”

With thanksgiving for Narelle Jarrett

We are saddened to hear Archdeacon Narelle Jarrett has been called home, but we rejoice that she is now with Christ.

In 2002, announcing her appointment as Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry, then Archbishop Dr. Peter Jensen said, “Narelle is extremely well qualified for this important position, having ministered faithfully over many years, in particular as Principal of Mary Andrews College since 1985 …”.

She continued as Principal of MAC until 2007 and was Archdeacon for Women until her retirement in 2012. In this latter role, she worked hard to enhance the opportunities for women’s ministry in Sydney, and invited colleagues Jane Tooher, Sarie King, Lesley Ramsay, Jackie Stoneman and Christine Jensen to work with her.

In more recent years, Narelle has served the church at South Coogee as Honorary Assistant Minister, and has been an Archdeacon Emeritus in the diocese since 2012.


Narelle’s funeral will be at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 25th November at 11:00am – followed by a light morning tea for those who wish to stay.

Russell Powell has posted this tribute at

“Archdeacon Jarrett radiated godliness and grace,” Archbishop Kanishka Raffel said in his tribute. “With her firm and winsome stand for Biblical truth in all things, she made a significant contribution to the life of our churches and I thank God for her example in life and ministry.”

Her successor as Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry, Archdeacon Kara Hartley also paid tribute, saying “Narelle had a great passion and commitment to advancing the ministries of women in the diocese. A true servant of the gospel, as Principal of Mary Andrews College and Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry she exercised significant leadership in our diocese. I am deeply thankful to God for the impact Narelle had on me and many other women throughout our church.”

Armidale Diocese The Link for Oct-Nov 2022 now out

The latest issue (October – November 2022) of The Link, the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale, has been published on the diocesan website.

Much encouraging news and food for prayer.

Download your copy here. (PDF file.)

Be Inspired by Mr Eternity!

From St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney:

Written in Chalk – the echo of Arthur Stace!

On the evenings of Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November, on our doorsteps, St Andrew’s Square is hosting outdoor screenings of a fascinating documentary on the inspirational impact of the Eternity Story on Sydney’s history and culture! The documentary starts at around sunset, 7:30pm, and runs for about 70 minutes.

It occurs at the 90th anniversary of Arthur Stace first writing ‘Eternity’ on Sydney’s streets (14 November 1932)!

All welcome for a unique experience. View the trailer here.”

Whatever line the film takes on the legacy of Arthur Stace, you can learn about the man and his story –

Making your life count for eternity.

The Eternity waterfall after 40 years – 12 July 2017.

Arthur Stace in his own words.

The Mothers’ Union & the ministry of lay women

Coming up at Moore College on Wednesday 16th November –

“Women have been key workers in the church since the time of the Apostles, and continue to be so in Australia. Alongside deaconesses and ordained women undertaking professional ministry, lay women have made extensive and invaluable voluntary contributions to church work and evangelism.

From its beginnings in the late 19th century, the Mothers’ Union has provided a framework for supporting Christian women through the parish network, as well as wider ministry in hospitals and the family courts. Other lay women including clergy wives have crafted their own unique spheres of ministry.

This event and accompanying exhibition will highlight the different ways in which lay women have influenced Australian Christianity.”

Jane Tooher is speaking. Details and booking from the College.


Synod marks ministry of women –

The Class of Chappo — A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ

Tuesday 22 November 2022. 7:30pm

A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ.

The evening will include:

Details and booking from Moore College.

Illustration from a Department of Evangelism videocassette cover, 1986.

Reformation Sunday & Slogans

“Friends in Christ, this Sunday we celebrate Reformation Sunday (including Bach’s cantata 79, written for the occasion, as part of the 10:30am service).

The Reformation began as a series of protests (hence ‘Protestant’) against abuses of the mediaeval Roman Catholic Church, perhaps most notably the sale of indulgences. By the way, in this context, an indulgence is not something to do with giving into luxury, one too many chocolates or wines. Nor is it the collective noun for grandparents, as in an ‘indulgence of grandparents’!

The word had and still has a special meaning for Roman Catholics. That Church taught that God forgives believers the eternal punishment for our sins. But we must also purify ourselves from the ‘temporal punishment’ due to every sin, either in this life, or after death in Purgatory. Purification takes place through prayer, acts of charity, patiently bearing suffering, and so on – or via gaining an indulgence. …”

– At the Cathedral website, Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant explains why Reformation Sunday is worth celebrating.

A visit to Grace Presbyterian Assembly in NZ

“As Moderator during the covid pandemic, I visited a few places in person – notably Hurstville for the ordination of two elders and New Dunesk for its opening as the centre of the work of the Presbyterian Inland Mission. Then there were the Zoom meetings.

But from 3-7 October 2022 I was able to visit the Grace Presbyterian Assembly in Auckland. …”

– We are so thankful for the formation of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand (CCAANZ) in response to the liberal trajectory of the Anglican Church in NZ.

Peter Barnes, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Australia briefly reports on another response to liberal theology in NZ – this one by faithful Presbyterians.

The Plateau Problem and a deeper issue

“It’s a moment of honesty for Sydney Christians as we face up to an ‘elephant in the room.’  Despite rises in giving, clergy numbers and population the number of Christians in Sydney Anglican Churches is in plateau or decline. …”

Dominic Steele speaks with Dr Raj Gupta. Plenty to think about and to pray about.

Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.

Reports from Melbourne Synod 2022

From The Melbourne Anglican:

“14 October 2022

Hello! Welcome to Friday. Tonight will be the final evening session of the 2022 Melbourne Synod, before delegates meet at St Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday. Melbourne Anglican editor Elspeth Kernebone here with a summary of proceedings so far. …”

Summary and links to updates here.

Perth Synod: Archbishop’s “breach of trust and failure of integrity” disappoint conservatives

“This past Saturday and Sunday has seen the annual synod of the Diocese of Perth on Australia’s west coast.

Over that weekend and since then many delegates who were present have contacted me to let me know of what happened. …”

– David Ould shares reports from last weekend’s Perth Synod.

Photo: Diocese of Perth.

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