Bishop of Tasmania’s Training Event 2022
From the Diocese of Tasmania:
“On 17 and 24 September, over 500 Anglicans from across Tasmania gathered in Hobart and Launceston to attend the annual Bishop’s Training Event.
In its 6th year, it was our biggest year yet, and we enjoyed encouragements from Bishop Richard and Wei-Han Kuan (the State Director of CMS Victoria). We are making the videos of the keynotes available and you can watch them below.”
Moore College events calendar for 2023
Moore College has put online a very handy calendar of their events planned for 2023. (PDF file.)
The Library Showcase on 1st November (“Howard Guinness and the beginnings of university ministry”) sounds particularly interesting.
Top Centre 22.4
The latest issue (22.4) of Top Centre, the magazine of the Diocese of the Northern Territory, is now online.
Download it for your encouragement and to inform your prayers. (PDF file.)
Bishop of Bathurst’s video message Christmas 2022
This video is a companion to Bishop Mark Calder’s text version previously published.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s 2022 Christmas message
With thanks to Anglican Media Sydney. Download your copy here.
And read this report from
The oldest parish in the Diocese helps the youngest
“Marsden Park is the newest parish in the Diocese of Sydney. So when its senior minister, the Rev Mark Collins, got a series of messages from the oldest parish in Sydney, he wondered what they might mean. …”
– has an encouraging story of gospel partnership.
Bathurst Diocese parishes without clergy
From the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page:
“In the coming weeks, Bishop Mark [Calder] will commission new ministers in Oberon, Grenfell, Cowra, West Wyalong and Cobar!
We are so thankful to God for his provision. And yet, we still have 12 parishes without clergy! Rural ministry has surprising blessings! Maybe it is time to explore a new context, even though it may involve sacrifice and new challenges.
Bishop Mark would love to hear from you.”
Might the Lord be calling you?
Click the image for a larger version.
A Christmas 2022 message from Bishop Mark Calder
Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has written this Christmas op-ed:
Christmas is the sure sign that God is real and that he loves us.
That he’s real? We know that because he turned up. Jesus is none other than God in person. That’s extraordinary. And he turned up not in a palace, but in a food trough among farm animals. Such was his humility!
That he loves us? Only love would motivate the God of the universe to step into the world he created and be therefore vulnerable to humanity which had already turned its back on him!
Why did he do it?
Because he loves us so much that he didn’t want to leave us in the mess we’d made of things by shutting him out. Through his teaching, his life, and his death and resurrection, he makes it possible for anyone who wants to welcome him back into their life, to be forgiven, and reconciled to him for a great life now, and all eternity.
2022 has been another very tough year. Our only hope is not that things will get better, or that next year will be free of sadnesses and challenges (though I hope it is!); our only hope and help is to welcome the love, strength, and new life that God turned up 2,000 years ago to make possible.
Have a great Christmas!
Mark Calder
Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Bathurst – covering central and western NSW.
Bathurst News: Archdeacon Jono Williams to Canowindra
From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:
“Bishop Calder announced today with thankfulness to God, that Archdeacon Jono Williams has accepted his invitation to be the next minister of the cooperating Anglican Uniting parish of Canowindra.
Please pray for Jono and Cudgegong Valley parish in a time of transition.”
Moore Matters Summer 2022 now online
The latest copy of Moore College’s Moore Matters (Summer 2022) is now available for download (a 35MB PDF file).
The Mothers’ Union & the ministry of lay women
At an event at Moore College last week, Jane Tooher shared something of the history of Mothers’ Union and its gospel service in 84 countries.
Great to learn about this quiet but important ministry which is growing today. Most encouraging,
Yarning the Bible in the bush
“There was no sandstone, either of cathedral or parish church, but ghost gums and a rainbow looking over the twilight ordination service for the Reverend Michael Duckett.
The unique service took place at the Indigenous Ministry centre at Wedderburn in South West Sydney, home of the Macarthur Indigenous Church. …”
– A really encouraging report from Russell Powell at
(See the report for a lovely photo of a heavenly reminder of God’s promises.)
Archbishop of Perth continues with Ordinations in the face of large objection
“The Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy, chose on Wednesday evening to continue with and preside over the ordination to the priesthood of a man living with his civil union partner despite receiving a formal objection from a large number of members of the diocese, both clergy and lay.
The letter of objection, forwarded to, is signed by 25 clergy, 12 wardens, 18 parish councillors and 64 other church members. It asks the Archbishop to not proceed with ordaining the candidate …
The clergy objecting represent more than 15% of clergy in the diocese (based on 2022 General Synod delegate numbers). The laity represent a variety of the largest parishes and the overwhelming majority of financial contributions for the diocese from the parishes.”
– David Ould draws attention to events in Perth.
Another Bathurst ordination on Saturday 3rd December
Give thanks to the Lord for the good things happening in the Diocese of Bathurst, and please pray that the churches will be strengthened and encouraged.
From the diocesan Facebook page –
“Our candidates for Saturday’s ordination are on retreat with Bishop Mark and the Rev’d Greg Harris from BCA. Please pray for their preparation.”
“God willing Bishop Calder will, on 03 Dec at 11am, make Jonny Lush and Tim Smith deacons, and ordain James Daymond and Steven Klouth as priests.”
The service will be streamed liveon YouTube from shortly before 11:00amAEDT.
Eight Billion in Need of the Saviour
“So before we sip on the Chardonnay and celebrate the establishment of a 21st century Babel we might like to consider the accumulated debt of eight billion people before the Kingdom of God. The kind of debt a proud humanity embraces with celebration is the kind of debt that makes any meeting with God, the biggest concern of humanity. …”
– At, Bishop Rick Lewers reminds us we have better news than simply celebrating another population milestone.