Bishop Glenn Davies speaks about the ACL
ACL Council Member Michael Latten reports on last week’s visit to Moore College of Bishop Dr Glenn Davies:
On 21 September, 42 students and faculty members came to an Anglican Church League lunchtime talk at Moore College.
Former Archbishop of Sydney and Bishop of the Diocese of the Southern Cross, Glenn Davies, with his characteristic wit and humour, outlined the impact of the ACL over the last 100 years in establishing and sustaining the Protestant, Reformed, and evangelical character of the Sydney Diocese and in supporting evangelicals in Australia and beyond.
While Bishop Davies noted the strong influence of the ACL in Sydney on diocesan elections today, he warned that we must never take for granted the evangelical character of the diocese. Like those who came before us, we too must contend for the gospel in Sydney and beyond.
Southern Cross magazine Sept-Oct 2023
The latest copy of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now out and will be available in parishes.
You can also read it online, or download your PDF copy.
St. Andrew’s Cathedral Community Garden
Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant writes in the Cathedral newsletter about plans for a new ministry space at the Cathedral:
“Friends in Christ, it was a pleasure to show the site and plans for the Cathedral Community Garden to many in-person attenders last Sunday. It was obvious that seeing it ‘from the inside’ as it were is really helpful to imagining what an excellent outdoor ministry space it could be for the Cathedral and for the community.
For example, you could easily imagine a BarBQ there in the summer shade, and how much easier it will be to welcome people into the Chapter House, as well as improved wheelchair access to the Cathedral proper.
To remind you, the project will provide a community garden that will
- adorn one of the city’s premier civic and heritage precincts,
- provide rare and valuable deep-soil CBD green-space,
- be often open to the public,
- add valuable outdoor ministry space to the Cathedral ministries, such as Cathedral Kids, ESL and community chaplaincy for the needy,
- and be available as an educational space to SACS and Gawura (Indigenous) School as desired.
Completing the Garden will also remove the eye-sore of a building rubble site that has stood unusable behind hoardings next to our beautiful Cathedral for well over two decades.
Let me put all that into a bit of historical context…”
– Read about the plans at the Cathedral website.
Now, where and how for Sydney Anglicans – with Raj Gupta and Zac Veron
From the Pastor’s Heart, an important episode on the future of the Anglican Church in Sydney –
“We engage in a ‘Stockdale Paradox’ discussion, confronting the brutal facts about attendance, finances and National Church Life Survey data about mission, newcomers and maturity.
Plus we review the recent Sydney Anglican Synod debate where leader after leader poured out their heart.
The gap is widening between the diocese’s declining attendance and Sydney’s growing population.
- While there are COVID factors, the National Church Life Survey trends are clearly observable and are worrying.
- There’s a difference between having a heart for evangelism and knowing how to engage effectively.
- While gross giving has increased, real giving (adjusted for inflation) seems to be down.
- There’s a clear difficulty with strategic planning and implementation.
- What to do about the accelerating trend of people moving to larger churches.
We look at the hard facts and attempt to chart a way forward.
Zac Veron is the senior minister of Bayside Anglican Church, Sydney.
Raj Gupta is the senior minister of Carlingford Anglican Church, Sydney.”
– Watch or listen here (though it’s recommended you watch so you can see the charts).
New Perth Assistant Bishops introduced
The Diocese of Perth has posted brief videos introducing the two new Assistant Bishops of the diocese. Many of readers will know Archdeacon David Bassett who was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia and who is now heading back west from Adelaide.
Bible colleges in the world’s poorest places
“Theological colleges, schools, health centres and biblical resources are the fruit of rich partnerships with Anglican dioceses around the world.
The Synod’s Mission Hour for 2023 shared stories that told of the Sydney Diocese’s service and support worldwide, particularly in areas of great gospel growth and great poverty. …
The Anglican Church of Congo runs more than 1000 churches, 700 schools and 90 health centres. A partnership began in 1992 when Sydney sent the late Peter Dawson as a missionary bishop to pioneer the Diocese of Kindu, in a remote central part of the country.”
– Tara Sing at reports on encouragement and the need which was shared at Sydney Synod.
Back in 1997, ACL News spoke with then recently-returned Bishop Peter Dawson. Amid the turmoil in the country at the time, he saw great opportunities for the gospel –
“People are hungry for biblical teaching and we have seen a new church being opened every two weeks for the last few years. New congregations, new people being converted, Bible colleges full. There is a great opportunity for someone to go out and be a lecturer in one of these new Bible colleges. Great opportunity for teaching the Bible and building up Christians.”
In our From the Vault section.
Bishop of Bathurst’s Synod Presidential Address 2023
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder gave his Presidential Address to the Synod of the diocese this morning.
Video of the address is now available here.
There’s been a lot happening in the diocese. Bishop Calder spoke about:
- Joseph
- New life
- Seen in parishes without clergy
- Seen in our parishes with clergy
- Seen through significant financial support
- Seen in new leadership
- Seen in conference, retreat, camp and training
- Seen in new partnerships
- Seen in the strategic plan
- New opportunities for life
- In the meantime
- New culture – new life
- Thanks
- Appointments and ordinations
Included were these remarks about assistance from Sydney –
“Last synod I was able to report that following my presentation and our video of thanks, Sydney synod agreed to renew their initial support of $250,000 a year for six years, for a further six years. This is extraordinary. Given the long history of suspicion between our dioceses, we don’t deserve such generosity. But that is the nature of grace – it is undeserved. Thanks be to God for the humility of Bishop Palmer, and the vision and generosity of Archbishop Davies along with the help of Bishop Stead for opening up this possibility. Bishop Stead and Archbishop Raffel have both been extremely helpful in encouraging and facilitating the extension of the gift.
This gift supports the bishop and the registrar and were it not for Sydney’s generosity, our parish assessments would need to be 20% of income, not 10%. Perhaps we’ll find one day, a way to appropriately express our thanks to Sydney Diocese. I am quite sure that old suspicions and criticisms are melting into the background.”
He also speaks about extraordinary support from the Bush Church Aid Society and from partner churches and individuals far and wide.
The full address is not too long to read and is most encouraging. Download it as a PDF file here or watch the video.
More ‘views from the pew’ at Sydney Synod
The Australian Church Record is continuing to post “views from the pew” – brief questions and answers with members of Sydney Synod –
Justice Michael Meek, Anna Davidson, Janet Austin, Andrew Buckle. and Doug Marr.
Photo: Russell Powell.
Synod sets out diocesan purpose and priorities
“The Synod has collectively confirmed that our main game remains unchanged – to make disciples.
The Archbishop’s document Purpose and Priorities for the Diocesan Fellowship was passed by the Synod on Tuesday, September 12, recognising the direction and focus for churches, schools and organisations within the Diocese. …”
– Tara Sing reports from Sydney Synod at
ACR Journal for Synod 2023
A special issue of ACR Journal – from The Australian Church Record – is out in time for Sydney Synod.
Download your copy from the Church Record’s website.
2023 ACL Synod Dinner Address — Archdeacon Simon Flinders on The Importance of the Local Church
Archdeacon Simon Flinders gave the address at tonight’s ACL Synod Dinner in Sydney.
His topic? The Importance of the Local Church.
Take the time to listen to his most encouraging address:
or download the audio by right-clicking here.
The transcript is available as a PDF file.
This would be great to share with members of your church.
The Robinson-Knox view of Church — Interview with Chase Kuhn.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s vision for Sydney Anglicans
“I am bringing before the Synod a statement of purpose and priorities for the diocesan fellowship,” said Archbishop Raffel as he opened the Sydney Synod for 2023. …
In a wide-ranging speech taking in church networks, organisations and institutions, the Archbishop said that “under God we seek to see God multiply believers in Christ, multiply churches and multiply workers for the harvest field.” This, he said, was a work of God. “We need the work of God in us, so that we long for the welfare of our neighbours and friends and fellow Sydneysiders with the longing of Jesus who wept over Jerusalem, though it was hardened against him.”
– At, Russell Powell has details of this afternoon’s Presidential Address by Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on the first day of Synod for 2023.
You can also watch or hear the Archbishop’s address.
Resources for Sydney Synod members 2023
Sydney Synod meets this month. Here are three resources from the Anglican Church League for Synod members. The updated Synod Survival Guide will be especially helpful for new Synod members.
- The Synod Survival Guide by Dr Robert Tong, updated – free download.
- The ACL Synod Dinner – Hear Simon Flinders’ encouraging address.
- The ACL Synod Briefing Podcast – now online!
Latest posts below.
Two new Assistant Bishops for Perth
“Since January this year the Diocese has been prayerfully supporting the Episcopal Office, especially Bishop Kate and myself, in the life and ministry of the Diocese of Perth as we have been considering our mission and ministry needs moving forward.
Your prayers have been appreciated and I have been deeply aware of being held through some long hours and complex situations over these past eight months. The great and exciting news of the appointment of two new Assistant Bishops of Perth was announced on 10 August 2023.
The Venerable David Bassett from the Diocese of Adelaide. David is the Assistant to the Primate and Archdeacon of Adelaide and the Port. David is married to Susan, and they have two adult children, a daughter and a son. David was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia. He has served in schools and parishes there and in Melbourne and Adelaide. …
– Read the full announcement here from the Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy
Also published in the September 2023 issue of Anglican Messenger.
Encouragement from Cobar
“James & Brittany Daymond have been in Cobar for eight months now, building upon the foundations laid before them. They are excited to see how Cobar can be reached for Christ. …”
– Fuel for your prayers from the Bush Church Aid Society.
(Photo: Diocese of Bathurst. James and Brittany with Dr Warwick Baines, Registrar of the Diocese of Bathurst.)